#Add-PnPCustomAction Adds a custom action to a web ##Syntax
Add-PnPCustomAction -Name <String>
-Title <String>
-Description <String>
-Group <String>
-Location <String>
[-Sequence <Int>]
[-Url <String>]
[-ImageUrl <String>]
[-CommandUIExtension <String>]
[-RegistrationId <String>]
[-Rights <PermissionKind[]>]
[-RegistrationType <UserCustomActionRegistrationType>]
[-Scope <CustomActionScope>]
[-Web <WebPipeBind>]
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
Description | String | True | The description of the custom action |
Group | String | True | The group where this custom action needs to be added like 'SiteActions' |
Location | String | True | The actual location where this custom action need to be added like 'CommandUI.Ribbon' |
Name | String | True | The name of the custom action |
Title | String | True | The title of the custom action |
CommandUIExtension | String | False | XML fragment that determines user interface properties of the custom action |
ImageUrl | String | False | The URL of the image associated with the custom action |
RegistrationId | String | False | The identifier of the object associated with the custom action. |
RegistrationType | UserCustomActionRegistrationType | False | Specifies the type of object associated with the custom action |
Rights | PermissionKind[] | False | A string array that contain the permissions needed for the custom action |
Scope | CustomActionScope | False | The scope of the CustomAction to add to. Either Web or Site; defaults to Web. 'All' is not valid for this command. |
Sequence | Int | False | Sequence of this CustomAction being injected. Use when you have a specific sequence with which to have multiple CustomActions being added to the page. |
Url | String | False | The URL, URI or ECMAScript (JScript, JavaScript) function associated with the action |
Web | WebPipeBind | False | The web to apply the command to. Omit this parameter to use the current web. |
##Examples |
###Example 1
$cUIExtn = "<CommandUIExtension><CommandUIDefinitions><CommandUIDefinition Location=""Ribbon.List.Share.Controls._children""><Button Id=""Ribbon.List.Share.GetItemsCountButton"" Alt=""Get list items count"" Sequence=""11"" Command=""Invoke_GetItemsCountButtonRequest"" LabelText=""Get Items Count"" TemplateAlias=""o1"" Image32by32=""_layouts/15/images/placeholder32x32.png"" Image16by16=""_layouts/15/images/placeholder16x16.png"" /></CommandUIDefinition></CommandUIDefinitions><CommandUIHandlers><CommandUIHandler Command=""Invoke_GetItemsCountButtonRequest"" CommandAction=""javascript: alert('Total items in this list: '+ ctx.TotalListItems);"" EnabledScript=""javascript: function checkEnable() { return (true);} checkEnable();""/></CommandUIHandlers></CommandUIExtension>"
Add-PnPCustomAction -Name 'GetItemsCount' -Title 'Invoke GetItemsCount Action' -Description 'Adds custom action to custom list ribbon' -Group 'SiteActions' -Location 'CommandUI.Ribbon' -CommandUIExtension $cUIExtn
Adds a new custom action to the custom list template, and sets the Title, Name and other fields with the specified values. On click it shows the number of items in that list. Notice: escape quotes in CommandUIExtension.