external help file | applicable | schema |
SharePoint Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Online |
2.0.0 |
Creates a taxonomy term group
New-PnPTermGroup -Name <String>
[-Id <Guid>]
[-Description <String>]
[-TermStore <Id, Name or Object>]
[-Connection <SPOnlineConnection>]
PS:> New-PnPTermGroup -GroupName "Countries"
Creates a new taxonomy term group named "Countries"
Connection to be used by cmdlet
Type: SPOnlineConnection
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
Description to use for the term group.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
GUID to use for the term group; if not specified, or the empty GUID, a random GUID is generated and used.
Type: Guid
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: GroupId
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False
Name of the taxonomy term group to create.
Type: String
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: GroupName
Required: True
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: True
Term store to add the group to; if not specified the default term store is used.
Type: Id, Name or Object
Parameter Sets: (All)
Aliases: TermStoreName
Required: False
Position: Named
Accept pipeline input: False