A (potentially) cross-platform, unidirectional data flow framework to build applications using a declarative and immutable UI API.
WARNING!: This is still a work-in-progress, although the minimum features are available to create real world applications the API is still under design and some key optimizations are still missing. Use at your own risk.
- An application framework heavily inspired by the Elm architecture.
- Declarative API inspired by Elm and React.
- 100% in Swift and decoupled from UIKit which makes it (potentially) cross-platform.
- Uses facebook's Yoga. A cross-platform layout engine that implements Flexbox which is used by ReactNative.
- Leverage the Swift compiler in order to have a strongly type-safe API.
All you need to do to have a working application is to implement the Application
public protocol Application {
associatedtype MessageType
associatedtype StateType
associatedtype CommandType
associatedtype RouteType: Route
associatedtype SubscriptionType: Equatable
associatedtype NavigatorType: Equatable
var initialState: StateType { get }
var initialRoute: RouteType { get }
func translateRouteChange(from currentRoute: RouteType, to nextRoute: RouteType) -> MessageType?
func update(state: StateType, message: MessageType) -> (StateType, CommandType?)?
func view(for state: StateType) -> View<RouteType, MessageType, NavigatorType>
func subscriptions(for state: StateType) -> [Subscription<MessageType, RouteType, SubscriptionType>]
The application state is updated in a centralized place every time a new message arrives. Messages can be triggered by user actions or as the result of a computation or access to an external system (like a web service o database).
Every time a new messages arrives, the update
function is called. This function responsibility is to provide the next application's state and return a command to be executed in case side-effects are needed, like fetching data from a web service.
Once a new state has been computed the view
function will be called to render a new view.
Here is a sneak peak of the API but you can also check this examples or read the library documentation to learn more about the main concepts.
enum Message {
case like
case goToDetailScreen
let component: Component<Message> = container(
children: [
text: "Hello Portal!",
style: labelStyleSheet() { base, label in
base.backgroundColor = .white
label.textColor = .red
label.textSize = 12
layout: layout() {
$0.flex = flex() {
$0.grow = .one
$0.justifyContent = .flexEnd
properties: properties() {
$0.text = "Tap to like!"
$0.onTap = .like
properties: properties() {
$0.text = "Tap to got to detail screen"
$0.onTap = .goToDetailScreen
Install Carthage first by either using the official .pkg installer for the latest release or If you use Homebrew execute the following commands:
brew update
brew install carthage
Once Carthage is installed add the following entry to your Cartfile
github "guidomb/Portal" "master"
For some examples on how the API looks like and how to use this library check
Portal is still a work-in-progress. Documentation will be added as the library matures inside the Documentation directory. You can read the library overview to learn more about the main concepts.
Install Carthage first, then run
git clone git@github.com:guidomb/Portal.git
cd Portal
open Portal.xcodeproj
If you want to know how the project is doing, what features are in the pipeline for the next milestone and whare are the ideas that already in the backlog, check this repo's project