This is a full-stack Scala app which could be used as an alternative UI for AWS CodePipeline service.
It's not terribly feature rich, and has few bugs. It was mostly used as a playground for trying Scala 3 with ScalaJS, Laminar and ZIO.
- Install Scala & friends through coursier with
cs setup
- Install Node & JS dependencies through nvm and
npm install
- Create .env file in the root of the project with
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<aws access key id for the Dashboard IAM user> AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<aws secret access key for the Dashboard IAM user> APP_PORT=8090 AWS_REGION=eu-central-1 AWS_ACCOUNT=<your aws account number with given IAM user>
Open three terminal windows that will:
Compile Scala.js frontend files in watch mode
./ "~frontend/fastLinkJS"
Compile backend files in watch mode & restarts the server
./ "~backend/reStart"
Run the snowpack bundler in watch mode for any other frontend resources
npm run snowpack -- dev
Serving a prod built with sbt
./ "~frontend/fullLinkJS"
npm run snowpack -- build
./ "backend/run"
Build and push Docker image to the local repository:
./ build
./ backend/publishLocal
Build and deploy to AWS Fargate
./ build