Solutions to the problems in the book Cracking the Coding Interview(6th Edition), written in Go. Problem sets and their solutions are grouped into packages by chapter.
- 1. Arrays and Strings
- 2. LinkedList
- 3. Stacks and Queues
- 4. Trees and Graphs
- 5. Bit Manipulation
- 6. Math and Logic Puzzles
- 7. Object Oriented Design
- 8. Recursion and Dynamic Programming
- 9. System Design and Scalability
- 10. Sorting and Searching
- 11. Testing
- 12. Additional Review Problems (Moderate)
- 13. Additional Review Problems (Hard)
Questions focusing on the manipulation of arrays and strings. Go discourages the use of raw arrays in favor of slices, which are a core language feature. Slices are an abstraction built on top of the array type in go, and understanding their behavior is crucial to writing good code in go.