#JS Bits JavaScript concepts explained with proper code samples.
Community contributions welcome :)
- AMD CommonJS and ES6 Modules Usage
- Array concat() push()
- Array every() some()
- Array filter() map() reduce()
- Array forEach()
- Array pass by val vs reference
- Array reduce()
- Bind function
- Bitwise operators
- Closures
- Coercion
- Conditional function declaration
- Currying
- Event Bubbling
- Event Delegation
- Factory Functions
- Floating point precision
- for-in with hasOwnProperty
- Getters and Setters
- Logical operations with string
- Method Overloading
- Mixins
- new keyword
- Number Max Min val
- Object clone
- Object constructor
- Object create()
- Object defineProperty
- Object freeze
- Object keys
- Object oriented concepts
- Object prototype
- Object references
- OLOO pattern
- setTimeout inside a loop
- Shim vs Polyfill vs Monkey patch
- String methods
- this keyword