GridDB Node API
GridDB Node API is developed using GridDB C Client and node-addon-api.
Building of the library and execution of the sample programs have been checked in the following environment.
OS: CentOS 7.9(x64)/Ubuntu 20.04(x64)/Windows 10/MacOS 10.15
Node.js: v14/v16
GridDB C client: V4.5 CE
GridDB server: V4.5 CE, CentOS 7.6(x64)
Install GridDB Server and C Client.
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:<C client library file directory path>
2. The command to run build project
$ npm install
3. Set the NODE_PATH variable for griddb Node.js module files.
$ export NODE_PATH=<installed directory path>
4. Write require("griddb-node-api") in Node.js.
GridDB Server need to be started in advance.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:<C client library file directory path>
2. The command to run sample
$ node sample/sample1.js <GridDB notification address> <GridDB notification port>
<GridDB cluster name> <GridDB user> <GridDB password>
-->[ 'name01', false, 1, <Buffer 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a> ]
1. Correct the path to C Client "C_CLIENT_PATH" in binding.gyp. Default is 'C:/Program Files/GridDB/C Client/4.5.0'
2. The command to run build project
$ npm install
3. Set the NODE_PATH variable for griddb Node.js module files.
$ set NODE_PATH=<installed directory path>
3. Write require("griddb-node-api") in Node.js.
GridDB Server need to be started in advance.
1. The command to run sample
$ node sample/sample1.js <GridDB notification address> <GridDB notification port>
<GridDB cluster name> <GridDB user> <GridDB password>
-->[ 'name01', false, 1, <Buffer 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a> ]
- Issues
Use the GitHub issue function if you have any requests, questions, or bug reports. - PullRequest
Use the GitHub pull request function if you want to contribute code. You'll need to agree GridDB Contributor License Agreement(CLA_rev1.1.pdf). By using the GitHub pull request function, you shall be deemed to have agreed to GridDB Contributor License Agreement.
GridDB Node API source license is Apache License, version 2.0.