GridDB Node API
GridDB is Database for IoT with both NoSQL interface and SQL Interface.
GridDB Node API is developed using GridDB C Client and node-addon-api.
Building of the library and execution of the sample programs have been checked in the following environment.
OS: CentoS7.9(x64), Ubuntu 18.04(x64), Ubuntu 20.04(x64)
Node.js: v16
gcc/g++: >= 7
GridDB C client: V5.0.0 CE
GridDB server: V5.0.0 CE, CentOS 7.9(x64)
- Install GridDB Server
- Install C Client.
- (Ubuntu)
$ wget $ sudo dpkg -i griddb-c-client_5.0.0_amd64.deb
- (CentOS)
$ wget $ sudo rpm -ivh griddb-c-client-5.0.0-linux.x86_64.rpm
- (Ubuntu)
$ npm install griddb-node-api
GridDB Server need to be started in advance.
1. The command to run sample
$ cp node_modules/griddb-node-api/sample/sample1.js .
$ node sample1.js <GridDB notification address> <GridDB notification port>
<GridDB cluster name> <GridDB user> <GridDB password>
-->[ 'name01', false, 1, <Buffer 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a> ]
- CentOS 7(x64)
# Install gcc/g++ 7 on centos 7.9 $ sudo yum install centos-release-scl $ sudo yum install devtoolset-7-gcc-c++ # enable gcc/g++7 on centos 7.9 $ scl enable devtoolset-7 bash
- Ubuntu 18.04/20.04(x64)
$ sudo apt-get install gcc g++