Yep, it does what is says on the box!
This is a very simple/crude chord editor for Pro7 on Windows: (For now, editing MT documents is blocked until I learn is this is safe/okay.)
Mac version is on my "TODO one-day list"
You can add/edit chords to the lyrics of a song by typing them in ChordPro format. (Close Pro7 first).
Just type them directly inline with the lyrics text [in square brackets]. You can insert a chord by typing either [, ], or any letter from A-G.
Once saved, re-open Pro7 and the inline chords can then be displayed using the Chords
option for textboxes on your stage display (the same as Multitracks).
NB: You cannot edit the text of the song - you can only add/edit chords.
You can change the User Key
to have Pro7 automatically transpose the chords from the Original Key
However - feel free to take the latest release for a test-drive...
...after making a 🦺BACKUP OF YOUR LIBRARIES🦺
- Advertise for some public testers
- Test lots, gather feedback, discover and fix bugs until it's considered safe for general use.
- Currently it defaults to only looking at the first textbox on each slide - no support for 2nd/3rd etc textboxes...
- Probably make a new library for all presentations saved by this app (to keep them separated in a single folder)
- Perhaps add backups?
For safety it will NOT overwrite your existing files! Instead, when you save changes - it makes a copy of that file with a new name (... (Chords)
suffix added).
If you choose to edit the new copy with the ... (Chords)
suffix, saved changes will overwrite that file
Usual disclaimers apply - this is an unsupported 3rd party app - and it's very early in development - Use at your own risk!
Contributions welcome!