Siebel Open-UI implementation of the d3js Bullet Chart Control using Phisical Wraper.
The chart is used to display the open time of a service request in relation to the Commit Time, Service Calendar Time Open with and without pending times.
- IP2015
- IP2016
- IP2017/18/29/20
To implement the Physical Wraper the following will need to be done:
Load the Physical Wraper "gmD3BulletChartPW.js" to the "..\PUBLIC\scripts\Siebel\custom" folder.
Load the Style Sheet "gmD3BulletChart.css to the "..\PUBLIC\files\custom" folder.
Load the d3bulletchart folder and files to the "..\PUBLIC\scripts\Siebel\custom" folder.
- Note: for the latest version of d3bulletchart please refer to Site.
Load the d3js folder and files to the "..\PUBLIC\scripts\Siebel\custom" folder.
- Note: for the latest version of d3js please refer to Site.
On the BusComp create a Text field that returns a json string in the following format:
[{"title":"","subtitle":"","ranges":[59.30,200],"measures":[59.30, 9],"markers":[119.6]}]
On your Applet create a control with the name "gmD3BulletChart".
Add the Physical Wraper to the Application under Manifest Administration.
Add the Style Sheet to the Application under Manifest Administration.
Note: That I have not completed this control and will be making more changes. The control is NOW supported on Tile applets.
Contributions are welcome.