- Typesafe tagged union (variant)
- Small and simple (below 250 lines C++ code)
- C++14 required (decltype(auto))
- visitation for member functions, lambdas and function pointers
- visitation using perfect forwarded arguments
- Variant can be empty and could possibly be retyped
- Stack allocated
- No dependencies (gtest for tests)
- Works on clang (3.5), gcc (4.9), MSVC (14)
- No MACRO voodoo
- Supports pure value semantics
using types_t = nonstd::variant<int, float, std::string>;
types_t _int(42);
std::cout << _int.get<int>() << "\n"; //prints 42
double d = _int.get<double>(); //won't compile
bool is_double = _int.is<double>(); //is_double = true
types_t _empty;
bool is_empty = _empty.empty(); //is_empty = true
_empty.set<std::string>(std::string("Hello, World!");
This is like a switch case statement
using types_t = nonstd::variant<int, float, std::string>;
std::vector<types_t> v = {10, 10.10f, std::string("ten")};
for (auto & t: v) {
t.select<int, float, std::string>(
[](int &x){x = 42;},
[](float &x){x = 42.42f;},
[](std::string &x){x = "fortytwo";}
This is like inheritance without inheritance
//test classes defined below
using types_t = nonstd::variant<test_class, test_class_1, test_class_2, test_class_3>;
std::vector<types_t> v = {test_class{}, test_class_1{}, test_class_2{}, test_class_3{}};
//call member functions
for (auto & t: v) {
auto args = std::make_tuple(pod_parm{});
t.select(args, &test_class::print, &test_class_1::print, &test_class_2::print);
//visitation using perfect forwarding
for (auto & t: v) {
pod_parm arg;
t.visit(&test_class::print, &test_class_1::print, &test_class_2::print)(arg);
//test classes
struct pod_parm {
int i = 42;
struct test_class {
test_class() : x(100), z(100.0f) {}
int x;
float z;
int print(pod_parm &_p) {
called = true;
_p.i = -_p.i;
return -10;
bool called = false;
struct test_class_1 {
int print(pod_parm &_p) {
called = true;
_p.i = -_p.i;
return -10;
bool called = false;
struct test_class_2 {
int print(pod_parm &_p) {
called = true;
_p.i = -_p.i;
return -10;
bool called = false;
struct test_class_3 {
int print(pod_parm &_p) {
called = true;
_p.i = -_p.i;
return -10;
bool called = false;