A property browser framework enabling the user to edit a set of properties.
The framework provides a browser widget that displays the given properties with labels and corresponding editing widgets (e.g.;line edits or comboboxes). The various types of editing widgets are provided by the framework's editor factories: For each property type, the framework provides a property manager (e.g. QtIntPropertyManager and QtStringPropertyManager) which can be associated with the preferred editor factory (e.g. QtSpinBoxFactory and QtLineEditFactory). The framework also provides a variant based property type with corresponding variant manager and factory. Finally, the framework provides three ready-made implementations of the browser widget: QtTreePropertyBrowser, QtButtonPropertyBrowser and QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser.
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - tooltip of property applied to first column, while second column shows the value text of property in its tooltip
- QtAbstractPropertyManager - initializeProperty() and uninitializeProperty() without const modifier now
- QtTreePropertyBrowser and QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser - internal margin set to 0
- QtProperty - setEnabled() and isEnabled() methods added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - "rootIsDecorated", "indentation" and "headerVisible" properties added
- QtProperty - hasValue() method added, useful for group properties
- FocusOut event now filtered out in case of Qt::ActiveWindowFocusReason reason. In that case editor is not closed when its sub dialog is executed
- Removed bug in color icon generation
- Decimals attribute added to "double" property type
- PointF, SizeF and RectF types supported
- Proper translation calls for tree property browser
- QtProperty - ensure inserted subproperty is different from "this" property
- QtBrowserItem class introduced, useful for identifying browser's gui elements
- Possibility to control expanded state of QtTreePropertyBrowser's items from code
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - "resizeMode" and "splitterPosition" properties added
- QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser - fixed crash in case of deleting the editor factory and then deleting the manager
- "Decoration" example added - it shows how to add new responsibilities to the existing managers and editor factories
- Various bugfixes and improvements
- QtProperty - setModified() and isModified() methods added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - disabling an item closes its editor
- KeySequence, Char, Locale and Cursor types supported
- Support for icons in enum type added
- Kerning subproperty exposed in Font type
- New property browser class added - QtButtonPropertyBrowser with drop down button as a grouping element
- Fixed memory leak of QtProperty
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - group items are rendered better
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - propertiesWithoutValueMarked and alternatingRowColors features added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - possibility of coloring properties added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - keyboard navigation improved
- New factories providing popup dialogs added: QtColorEditorFactory and QtFontEditorFactory
- Single step attribute added to: QtIntPropertyManager and QtDoublePropertyManager
- "Object Controller" example added. It implements a similar widget to the property editor in QDesigner
- Compile with QT_NO_CURSOR
- Expand root item with single click on the '+' icon
- QtRectPropertyManager and QtRectFPropertyManager - by default constraint is null rect meaning no constraint is applied
- QtGroupPropertyBrowser - don't force the layout to show the whole labels' contents for read only properties, show tooltips for them in addition.
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - fixed painting of the editor for color property type when style sheet is used (QTSOLBUG-64).
- Make it possible to change the style of the checkboxes with a stylesheet (QTSOLBUG-61).
- Change the minimum size of a combobox so that it can show at least one character and an icon.
- Make it possible to properly style custom embedded editors (e.g. the color editor provided with the solution).