The overall aims of the Headline Review articles are outlined in the README. Here's a document structure that I am playing around with to target the review at this question: What would need to be true for deep learning to transform how we categorize, study, and treat individuals to maintain or restore health?
- Relevant areas where methods inspired by deep learning are already having an impact
- Sequence -> Function
- Transcriptional regulation
- Patient information
- Imaging + Bio
- The structures of problem statements which use deep learning towards these ends
- Supervised approaches
- Convolutional NNs on genome
- Principles in which multiple synergistic patterns are learned simultaneously
- more examples of shared properties across approaches
- Unsupervised approaches
- some denoising autoencoder work is common across systems
- more shared properties
- Supervised approaches
- Perspectives towards the future & overall question.
- Which challenges do we think will be resolved first?
- Are there any approaches/data types that have taken off in other fields but that are under-utilized here?
- What initiatives or data do we think are particularly interesting for/amenable to deep learning analyses and why?
- Overall summary on state of the field & reflection towards overall question.
There are some wonderful github-based reading groups/lists by @pimentel @hussius @gokceneraslan. If any of you have feedback as we structure this review, please provide it. If you'd like to participate - dive in!
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