is a library for integration with WhatsApp messenger using the API
service green-api.com. You should get a registration token and an account ID in
your personal cabinet to use the library. There is a free developer account tariff.
You can find the v1
version here - https://github.com/green-api/whatsapp-api-client-golang
The documentation for the REST API can be found at the link. The library is a wrapper for the REST API, so the documentation at the link above also applies.
To send a message or perform other Green API methods, the WhatsApp account in the phone app must be authorized. To authorize the account, go to your cabinet and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app.
Make sure that you have Go installed with a version of 1.20 or newer
go version
Create a module for your project if you didn't:
go mod init ModuleName
Install the library:
go get github.com/green-api/whatsapp-api-client-golang-v2
import (
greenapi "github.com/green-api/whatsapp-api-client-golang-v2"
How to initialize an object:
GreenAPI := greenapi.GreenAPI{
APIURL: "https://api.green-api.com",
MediaURL: "https://media.green-api.com",
IDInstance: "1101000001",
APITokenInstance: "d75b3a66374942c5b3c019c698abc2067e151558acbd412345",
All methods of this library return two objects: *APIResponse
and error
You can see the APIResponse
format in the types.go
How to send a message:
Link to example: sendMessage/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Sending().SendMessage(
How to create a group:
Link to example: createGroup/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Groups().CreateGroup(
"Group Title",
How to send file by upload:
Link to example: sendFileByUpload/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Sending().SendFileByUpload(
How to send a file by URL:
Link to example: sendFileByUrl/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Sending().SendFileByUrl(
How to send a message with a poll:
Link to example: sendPoll/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Sending().SendPoll(
"Choose a color:",
[]string{"Red", "Green", "Blue"},
How to send a text status:
Link to example: sendTextStatus/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Statuses().SendTextStatus(
"Text of the status",
//greenapi.OptionalParticipantsTextStatus([]string{"1234567890@c.us", "1234567890@c.us"}),
How to receive an incoming notification:
Link to example: receiveNotification/main.go
response, _ := GreenAPI.Receiving().ReceiveNotification(
To use partner methods you have to initialize another object:
Partner := greenapi.GreenAPIPartner{
PartnerToken: "gac.1234567891234567891234567891213456789",
Email: "mail@email.com", // email is optional
Now you can use Partner methods as usual methods, but through the "Partner" object:
How to get instances:
Link to the example: partnerMethods/getInstances/main.go
response, _ := Partner.Partner().GetInstances()
How to create an instance:
Link to the example: partnerMethods/createInstance/main.go
response, _ := Partner.Partner().CreateInstance(
greenapi.OptionalName("Created by GO SDK"),
How to delete an instance:
Link to the example: partnerMethods/deleteInstanceAccount/main.go
response, _ := Partner.Partner().DeleteInstanceAccount(1101000000)
Note that functions might have optional arguments, which you can pass or ignore. Optional parameters are passed as functions into the method's arguments and have similar naming format:
greenapi.Optional + name of parameter
For example, in the SetSettings
method all the arguments are optional. Here is an example of how it works:
response, _ := GreenAPI.Account().SetSettings(
// greenapi.OptionalWebhookUrl("webhook_url"),
// greenapi.OptionalWebhookUrlToken("auth_token"),
// greenapi.OptionalMarkIncomingMessagesRead(true),
// greenapi.OptionalMarkIncomingMessagesReadOnReply(true),
// greenapi.OptionalOutgoingMessageWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalOutgoingAPIMessageWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalStateWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalDeviceWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalKeepOnlineStatus(true),
// greenapi.OptionalPollMessageWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalIncomingBlockWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalIncomingCallWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalEditedMessageWebhook(true),
// greenapi.OptionalDeletedMessageWebhook(true),
In this example, only DelaySendMessages
, OutgoingWebhook
and IncomingWebhook
settings will be changed, other settings are commented so they will not be passed. However, you can uncomment any setting that you prefer. The settings that were not used will not be affected
One more example of using optional parameters, this time let's use sendMessage
response, _ := GreenAPI.Sending().SendMessage(
greenapi.OptionalLinkPreview(false), // turns off link preview if there is any
greenapi.OptionalQuotedMessageId("BAE59673E71FC5DB"), // quotes specified message
Description | Link to example |
How to send a message | sendMessage/main.go |
How to send a file by uploading from the disk | sendFileByUpload/main.go |
How to send a file by URL | sendFileByUrl/main.go |
How to upload a file to an external drive | uploadFile/main.go |
How to send a poll | sendPoll/main.go |
How to check if there is a WhatsApp account on the phone number | checkWhatsapp/main.go |
How to set instance settings | setSettings/main.go |
How to create a group | createGroup/main.go |
How to send a text status | sendTextStatus/main.go |
How to receive an incoming notification | receiveNotification/main.go |
How to get all instances of the account | partnerMethods/getInstances/main.go |
How to create an instance | partnerMethods/createInstance/main.go |
How to delete an instance | partnerMethods/deleteInstanceAccount/main.go |
API method | Description | Documentation link |
Account().GetSettings |
The method is designed to get the current settings of the account | GetSettings |
Account().GetWaSettings |
The method is designed to get information about the WhatsApp account | GetSettings |
Account().SetSettings |
The method is designed to set the account settings | SetSettings |
Account().GetStateInstance |
The method is designed to get the state of the account | GetStateInstance |
Account().Reboot |
The method is designed to restart the account | Reboot |
Account().Logout |
The method is designed to unlogin the account | Logout |
Account().QR |
The method is designed to get a QR code | QR |
Account().SetProfilePicture |
The method is designed to set the avatar of the account | SetProfilePicture |
Account().GetAuthorizationCode |
The method is designed to authorize an instance by phone number | GetAuthorizationCode |
Groups().CreateGroup |
The method is designed to create a group chat | CreateGroup |
Groups().UpdateGroupName |
The method changes the name of the group chat | UpdateGroupName |
Groups().GetGroupData |
The method gets group chat data | GetGroupData |
Groups().AddGroupParticipant |
The method adds a participant to the group chat | AddGroupParticipant |
Groups().RemoveGroupParticipant |
The method removes the participant from the group chat | RemoveGroupParticipant |
Groups().SetGroupAdmin |
The method designates a member of a group chat as an administrator | SetGroupAdmin |
Groups().RemoveAdmin |
The method deprives the participant of group chat administration rights | RemoveAdmin |
Groups().SetGroupPicture |
The method sets the avatar of the group | SetGroupPicture |
Groups().LeaveGroup |
The method logs the user of the current account out of the group chat | LeaveGroup |
Journals().GetChatHistory |
The method returns the chat message history | GetChatHistory |
Journals().GetMessage |
The method returns a chat message | GetMessage |
Journals().LastIncomingMessages |
The method returns the most recent incoming messages of the account | LastIncomingMessages |
Journals().LastOutgoingMessages |
The method returns the last sent messages of the account | LastOutgoingMessages |
Queues().ShowMessagesQueue |
The method is designed to get the list of messages that are in the queue to be sent | ShowMessagesQueue |
Queues().ClearMessagesQueue |
The method is designed to clear the queue of messages to be sent | ClearMessagesQueue |
ReadMark().ReadChat |
The method is designed to mark chat messages as read | ReadChat |
Receiving().ReceiveNotification |
The method is designed to receive a single incoming notification from the notification queue | ReceiveNotification |
Receiving().DeleteNotification |
The method is designed to remove an incoming notification from the notification queue | DeleteNotification |
Receiving().DownloadFile |
The method is for downloading received and sent files | DownloadFile |
Sending().SendMessage |
The method is designed to send a text message to a personal or group chat | SendMessage |
Sending().SendFileByUpload |
The method is designed to send a file loaded through a form (form-data) | SendFileByUpload |
Sending().SendFileByUrl |
The method is designed to send a file downloaded via a link | SendFileByUrl |
Sending().UploadFile |
The method allows you to upload a file from the local file system, which can later be sent using the SendFileByUrl method | UploadFile |
Sending().SendLocation |
The method is designed to send a geolocation message | SendLocation |
Sending().SendContact |
The method is for sending a message with a contact | SendContact |
Sending().ForwardMessages |
The method is designed for forwarding messages to a personal or group chat | ForwardMessages |
Sending().SendPoll |
The method is designed for sending messages with a poll to a private or group chat | SendPoll |
Service().CheckWhatsapp |
The method checks if there is a WhatsApp account on the phone number | CheckWhatsapp |
Service().GetAvatar |
The method returns the avatar of the correspondent or group chat | GetAvatar |
Service().GetContacts |
The method is designed to get a list of contacts of the current account | GetContacts |
Service().GetContactInfo |
The method is designed to obtain information about the contact | GetContactInfo |
Service().EditMessage |
The method edits the message in a chat | EditMessage |
Service().DeleteMessage |
The method deletes the message from chat | DeleteMessage |
Service().ArchiveChat |
The method archives the chat | ArchiveChat |
Service().UnarchiveChat |
The method unarchives the chat | UnarchiveChat |
Service().SetDisappearingChat |
The method is designed to change the settings of disappearing messages in chats | SetDisappearingChat |
Partner().GetInstances |
The method is for getting all the account instances created by the partner. | GetInstances |
Partner().CreateInstance |
The method is for creating an instance. | CreateInstance |
Partner().DeleteInstanceAccount |
The method is for deleting an instance. | DeleteInstanceAccount |
Statuses().SendTextStatus |
The method is aimed for sending a text status | SendTextStatus |
Statuses().SendVoiceStatus |
The method is aimed for sending a voice status | SendVoiceStatus |
Statuses().SendMediaStatus |
The method is aimed for sending a voice status | SendMediaStatus |
Statuses().GetOutgoingStatuses |
The method returns the outgoing statuses of the account | GetOutgoingStatuses |
Statuses().GetIncomingStatuses |
The method returns the incoming status messages of the account | GetIncomingStatuses |
Statuses().GetStatusStatistic |
The method returns an array of recipients marked for a given status. | GetStatusStatistic |
Statuses().DeleteStatus |
The method is aimed for deleting status. | DeleteStatus |