Validate and visualize dependencies. With your rules. JavaScript. TypeScript. CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
This runs through the dependencies in any JavaScript, TypeScript, LiveScript or CoffeeScript project and ...
- ... validates them against (your own) rules
- ... reports violated rules
- in text (for your builds)
- in graphics (for your eyeballs)
As a side effect it can generate cool dependency graphs you can stick on the wall to impress your grandma.
npm install --save-dev dependency-cruiser
to use it as a validator in your project or...npm install --global depdendency-cruiser
if you just want to to inspect multiple projects.
To create a graph of the dependencies in your src folder, you'd run dependency
cruiser with output type dot
and run GraphViz dot on the result. In
a one liner:
depcruise --exclude "^node_modules" --output-type dot src | dot -T svg > dependencygraph.svg
The --exclude "^node_modules"
makes sure dependency-cruiser does not scan
paths starting with node_modules.
- You can read more about what you can do with
and other command line options in the command line interface documentation. - Real world samples contains dependency cruises of some of the most used projects on npm.
To have dependency-cruiser report on dependencies going into the test folder
(which is totally weird, right?) create a rules file (e.g. my-rules.json
and put this in there:
"forbidden": [{
"name": "not-to-test",
"comment": "don't allow dependencies from outside the test folder to test",
"severity": "error",
"from": { "pathNot": "^test" },
"to": { "path": "^test" }
- To read more about writing rules check the writing rules tutorial or the rules reference
- There is practical rules configuration to get you started here
Pass the --validate
parameter, to the command line followed by the rules
Most output-types will show violations of your rules in one way or another.
The dot
reporter, for instance, will color edges representing violated
dependencies in a signaling color (red for errors, orange for warnings) - the
picture on top of this README is a sample of that.
The err
reporter only emits (text) output when there's something wrong.
This is useful when you want to check the rules in your build process:
depcruise --validate my-rules.json --output-type err src
- Read more about the err, dot, but also the csv and html reporters in the command line interface documentation.
- dependency-cruiser uses itself to check on itself in its own build process;
see the
target in the Makefile
You've come to the right place :-) :
- Usage
- Hacking on dependency-cruiser
- Other things
- Marijn Haverbeke and other people who colaborated on acorn - the excelent javascript parser dependency-cruiser uses to infer dependencies.
Made with 🤘 in Holland.