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Dependency cruiser rules - reference



  1. The structure of a dependency-cruiser configuration
  2. The structure of an individual rule
  3. Conditions
  4. The options
  5. Configurations in javascript

The structure of a dependency cruiser configuration

The typical dependency-cruiser config is json file (although you can use javascript - see below)). The three most important sections are forbidden, allowed and options, so a skeleton config could look something like this:

  "forbidden": [],
  "allowed": [],
  "options": {}

The following paragraphs explain these three and the other sections.


A list of rules that describe dependencies that are not allowed. dependency-cruiser will emit a separate error (warning/ informational) message for each violated rule.


A list of rules that describe dependencies that are allowed. dependency-cruiser will emit a 'not-in-allowed' message for each dependency that does not satisfy at least one of them. The severity of the message is warn by default, but you can override it with allowedSeverity


The severity to use in reports when a dependency is not in the allowed list of rules. It takes the same values as other severity fields and also defaults to warn.


This takes one or more file path to other dependency-cruiser-configs. When dependency-cruiser reads your config, it takes the contents of the extends and merges them with the contents of your config.

File resolution

dependency-cruiser resolves the extends relative to the file name with the same algorithm node uses, which means a.o.

  • names starting with ./ are local
  • you can use external node_modules to reference rule sets (e.g. dependency-cruiser/configs/recommended)
  • there's no need to specify the extension for javascript files, but for json it's mandatory.

How rules are merged

  • allowed rules
    Dependency-cruiser concats allowed rules from the extends, and de-duplicates them.
  • forbidden rules
    For forbidden rules it uses the same approach, except when the rules have a name, in which case the rule with the same name in the current file gets merged into the one from extends, where attributes from the current file win. This allows you to override only one attribute, e.g. the severity
  • allowedSeverity
    If there's an allowedSeverity in the current file, it wins. If neither file has an allowedSeverity dependency-cruiser uses warn as a default
  • options
    options get the Object.assign treatment - where the option in the current file wins.
  • If there's more than one path in extends, they get merged into the current file one by one, running through the array left to right.


To use a local base config:

  "extends": "./configs/dependency-cruiser-base.json"

To use a base config from an npm package:

  "extends": "@ourcompany/dependency-cruiser-configs/frontend-rules-base.json"
module.exports = {
  extends: "dependency-cruiser/configs/recommended",
  forbidden: [
      // because we still use a deprecated core module, still let
      // the no-deprecated-core rule from recommended fire,
      // but at least temporarily don't let it break our build
      // by setting the severity to "warn" here
      name: "no-deprecated-core",
      severity: "warn"
      // no need to specify the from and to, because they're already
      // defined in 'recommended'


Options that influence what is cruised, and how it is cruised. See The options below for an exhaustive list.

The structure of an individual rule

An individual rule consists at least of a from and a to attribute that contain one or more conditions that trigger the rule, so a minimal rule will look like this:

  "from": {},
  "to": {}

A rule within the 'allowed' section can also have a comment attribute which you can use to describe the rule.

Rules within the 'forbidden' section can have a name and a severity.

  "name": "kebab-cased-name",
  "comment": "(optional) description of the rule",
  "severity": "warn",
  "from": {},
  "to": {}

from and to

Conditions an end of a dependency should match to be caught by this rule. Leave it empty if you want any module to be matched.

The conditions section below describes them all.


You can use this field to document why the rule is there. It's not used in any rule logic.


(only available in the forbidden section )

A short name for the rule - will appear in reporters to enable customers to quickly identify a violated rule. Try to keep them short, eslint style. E.g. 'not-to-core' for a rule forbidding dependencies on core modules, or 'not-to-unresolvable' for one that prevents dependencies on modules that probably don't exist.

If you do not provide a name, dependency-cruiser will default it to unnamed.


(only available in the forbidden section )

How severe a violation of a rule is. The 'error' severity will make some reporters (at least the err one) return a non-zero exit code, so if you want e.g. a build to stop when there's a rule violated: use that.

The other values you can use are info, warn and ignore. If you leave it out dependency-cruiser will assume it to be warn.

With the severity set to ignore dependency-cruiser will not check the rule at all. This can be useful if you want to temporarily disable a rule or disable a rule you inherited from a rule set you extended.



A regular expression an end of a dependency should match to be catched by this rule.

In from, this is the path from the current working directory (typically your project root) to the file containing a dependency. In to, this is the path from the current working directory to the file the dependency resolves to.

When path is in a to part of a rule it accepts the regular expression 'group matching' special variables $0, $1, $2, ... as well. See 'group matching' below for an explanation & example.


A regular expression an end of a dependency should NOT match to be catched by this rule.

When pathNot is in a to part of a rule it accepts the regular expression 'group matching' special variables $0, $1, $2, ... just like the path attribute. See 'group matching' below for an explanation & example.

path specials

regular expressions - not globs

I chose regular expressions for matching paths over the more traditional glob because they're more expressive - which makes it easier to specify rules. Some common patterns

glob regular expression this expresses:
*.js [^/]+\.js$ files in the current folder with the extension .js
src/**/* ^src all files in the src folder
not possible ^src/([^/]+)/.+ everything in the src tree - remember the matched folder name directly under src for later reference.

forward slashes

To make sure rules you specify run on all platforms, dependency-cruiser internally represents paths with forward slashes as path separators (src/alez/houpe).

'group matching'

Sometimes you'll want to use a part of the path the 'from' part of your rule matched and use it in the 'to' part. E.g. when you want to prevent stuff in the same folder to be matched.

To achieve this you'll need to do two things:

  • In the from of your rule:
    Make sure the part of the path you want to be matched is between brackets. Like so: "^src/([^/]+)/.+"
  • In the to part of your rule:
    You can reference the part matched between brackets by using $1 in path and pathNot rules. Like so: "pathNot": "^src/$1/.+".
  • It is possible to use more than one group per rule as well. E.g. this expression "^src/([^/]+)/[^\.]\.(.+)$" has two groups; one for the folder directly under src, and one for the extension. The first is available in the to part of your rule with $1, the second with $2.
  • The special variable $0 contains the whole matched string. I haven't seen a practical use for it in the context of depedendency-cruiser, but I'll be glad to be surprised.

'group matching' - an example: matching peer folders

Say you have the following folder structure

└── business-components
    ├── search
    ├── upsell
    ├── check-out
    ├── view-trip
    └── check-in

Business components should be completely independent of each other. So typically you'd specify a rule like this to prevent accidents in the "forbidden" section:

  "name": "no-inter-ubc",
  "comment": "Don't allow relations between code in business components",
  "severity": "error",
  "from": { "path": "^src/business-components/([^/]+)/.+" },
  "to": {
    "path": "^src/business-components/([^/]+)/.+"

This will correctly flag relations from one folder to another, but also relations within folders. It's possible to get around that by specifying it for each folder explicitly, leaving the current 'from' folder from the to list e.g.
from: search, to: upsell|check-out|view-trip|check-in,
from: upsell, to: search|check-out|view-trip|check-in,

That'll be heavy maintenance though; especially when your business components breed like a litter of rabbits. In stead, you can use group matching:

  "name": "no-inter-ubc",
  "comment": "Don't allow relations between business components",
  "severity": "error",
  "from": { "path": "^src/business-components/([^/]+)/.+" },
  "to": {
    "path": "^src/business-components/([^/]+)/.+",
    "pathNot": "^src/business-components/$1/.+"

... which makes sure dependency-cruiser does not match stuff in the from folder currently being matched.


A boolean indicating whether or not to match modules that have no incoming or outgoing dependencies. Orphans might need special attention because they're unused leftovers from a refactoring. Or the start of some feature that never got finished but which was merged anyway. Leaving the orphan attribute out means you don't care about orphans in your code.

Detecting orphans will have an impact on performance. You will probably only notice it when you have a larger code base (thousands of modules in your dependency graph), but it is something to keep in mind.

To detect orphans guys you can add e.g. this snippet to your .dependency-cruiser.json's forbidden section:

  "name": "no-orphans",
  "severity": "warn",
  "from": { "orphan": true },
  "to": {}

Usage notes

  • dependency-cruiser will typically not find orphans when you give it only one module to start with. Any module it finds, it finds by following its dependencies, so each module will have at least one dependency incoming or outgoing. Specify one or more folder, several files or a glob. E.g.
    depcruise -v -- src lib test
    will find orphans if they exist, whereas
    depcruise -v -- src/index.ts
    probably won't (unless index.ts is an orphan itself).
  • by definition orphan modules have no dependencies. So when orphan is part of a rule, the to part won't make sense. This is why dependency-cruiser will ignore the to part of these rules.
  • For similar reasons orphan is not allowed in the to part of rules.
  • (for API users only) to prevent dependency-cruiser from needlessly running the orphan detection algorithm, it only runs it when there's an orphan rule in the rule set. If you want to have the detection in without a rule set or without an orphan rule, pass forceOrphanCheck: true as part of the pOptions parameter.

reachable - detecting dead wood

reachable is a boolean indicating whether or not modules matching the to part of the rule are reachable (either directly or via other moduels) from modules matching the from part of the rule. This can be useful for detecting dead wood.

For instance, in this dependency-graph several modules are not reachable from the root index.js. If index.js is the only (legal) entry to this package, those unreachable modules are likely candidates for removal:

dependencies unreachable from src/index.js - reachable rule off

Here's a rule snippet that will detect these for you:

    "forbidden": [
            "name": "no-unreachable-from-root",
            "severity": "error",
            "from": {
                "path": "src/index\\.js$"
            "to": {
                "path": "src",

                  spec files shouldn't be reachable from regular code anyway, so you
                  might typically want to exclude these from reachability rules.
                  The same goes for typescript definition files:
                "pathNot": "\\.spec\\.(js|ts)$|\\.d\\.ts$"

                  for each file matching path and pathNot, check if it's reachable from the
                  modules matching the criteria mentioned in "from"
                "reachable": false

With this rule enabled, the unreachable rules jump out immediately. Both in the output of the err reporter

  error no-unreachable-from-root: src/other-stuff/index.js
  error no-unreachable-from-root: src/other-stuff/untouched-one.js
  error no-unreachable-from-root: src/other-stuff/untouched-two.js
  error no-unreachable-from-root: src/relevant/to-untouched.js

✖ 4 dependency violations (4 errors, 0 warnings). 8 modules cruised.

... and in the output of the dot one:

dependencies unreachable from src/index.js - reachable rule on

Usage notes

  • You can set up multiple rules with a reachable attribute in the to section. If you do so, make sure you give a name to each rule. It's not only the only way dependency-cruiser can keep reachable rules apart - it will be for you as well :-).
  • The operation to calculate the reachability of modules can be quite resource intensive, especially if you dependency-graph is wide and deep.
  • Different from other rules, rules with a reachable attribute can only have
    • path and pathNot in the from part of the rule
    • path and pathNot alongside the reachable in the to part of the rule
      (these limitations might get lifted somewhere in the future)


Whether or not to match modules dependency-cruiser could not resolve (and probably aren't on disk). For this one too: leave out if you don't care either way.

To get an error for each unresolvable dependency, put this in your "forbidden" section:

  "name": "not-to-unresolvable",
  "severity": "error",
  "from": {},
  "to": { "couldNotResolve": true }


A boolean indicating whether or not to match module dependencies that end up where you started (a.k.a. circular dependencies). Leaving this out => you don't care either way.

Detecting circular dependencies is heavy work. Especially on larger code bases (thousands of files in one dependency graph) you might notice an impact on the performance when you add a rule that checks for circular dependencies.

For example, adding this rule to the "forbiddden" section in your .dependency-cruiser.json will issue a warning for each dependency that ends up at itself.

  "name": "no-circular",
  "severity": "warn",
  "from": { "pathNot": "^(node_modules)" },
  "to": { "circular": true }

license and licenseNot

You can flag dependent modules that have licenses that are e.g. not compatible with your own license or with the policies within your company with license and licenseNot. Both take a regular expression that matches against the license string that goes with the dependency.

E.g. to forbid GPL and APL licenses (which require you to publish your source code - which will not always be what you want):

  "name": "no-gpl-apl-licenses",
  "severity": "error",
  "from": {},
  "to": { "license": "GPL|APL" }

This raise an error when you use a dependency that has a string with GPL or APL in the "license" attribute of its package.json (e.g. SPDX compatible expressions like GPL-3.0, APL-1.0 and MIT OR GPL-3.0 but also on non SPDX compatible)

To only allow licenses from an approved list (e.g. a whitelist provided by your legal department):

  "name": "only-licenses-approved-by-legal",
  "severity": "warn",
  "from": {},
  "to": { "licenseNot": "MIT|ISC" }

Note: dependency-cruiser can help out a bit here, but you remain responsible for managing your own legal stuff. To re-iterate what is in the LICENSE to dependency-cruiser:



You might have spent some time wondering why something works on your machine, but not on other's. Only to discover you did install a dependency, but did not save it to package.json. Or you already had it in your devDependencies and started using it in a production source.

To save you from embarassing moments like this, you can make rules with the dependencyTypes verb. E.g. to prevent you accidentally depend on a devDependency from anything in src add this to your .dependency-cruiser.json's "forbidden" section:

  "name": "not-to-dev-dep",
  "severity": "error",
  "comment": "because an npm i --production will otherwise deliver an unreliably running package",
  "from": { "path": "^src" },
  "to": { "dependencyTypes": ["npm-dev"] }

Or to detect stuff you npm i'd without putting it in your package.json:

  "name": "no-non-package-json",
  "severity": "error",
  "comment": "because an npm i --production will otherwise deliver an unreliably running package",
  "from": { "pathNot": "^(node_modules)" },
  "to": {
    "dependencyTypes": ["unknown", "undetermined", "npm-no-pkg", "npm-unknown"]

If you don't specify dependencyTypes in a rule, dependency-cruiser will ignore them in the evaluation of that rule.

Ok - unknown, npm-unknown, undetermined - I'm officially weirded out - what's that about?

This is a list of dependency types dependency-cruiser currently detects.

dependency type meaning example
local a module in your own ('local') package "./klont"
localmodule a module in your own ('local') package, but which was in the resolve.modules attribute of the webpack config you passed "shared/stuff.ts"
npm it's a module in package.json's dependencies "lodash"
npm-dev it's a module in package.json's devDependencies "chai"
npm-optional it's a module in package.json's optionalDependencies "livescript"
npm-peer it's a module in package.json's peerDependencies - note: deprecated in npm 3 "thing-i-am-a-plugin-for"
npm-bundled it's a module that occurs in package.json's bundle(d)Dependencies array "iwillgetbundled"
npm-no-pkg it's an npm module - but it's nowhere in your package.json "forgetmenot"
npm-unknown it's an npm module - but there is no (parseable/ valid) package.json in your package
deprecated it's an npm module, but the version you're using or the module itself is officially deprecated "some-deprecated-package"
core it's a core module "fs"
aliased it's a module that's linked through an aliased (webpack) "~/hello.ts"
unknown it's unknown what kind of dependency type this is - probably because the module could not be resolved in the first place "loodash"
undetermined the dependency fell through all detection holes. This could happen with amd dependencies - which have a whole jurasic park of ways to define where to resolve modules to "veloci!./raptor"


A boolean that tells you whether the dependency is a dynamic one (i.e. it uses the async ES import statement a la import('othermodule').then(pMod => pMod.doStuff())).

You can use this e.g. to restrict the usage of dynamic dependencies:

  "forbidden": [
      "name": "no-non-dynamic-dependencies",
      "severity": "error",
      "from": {},
      "to": { "dynamic": "true" }

... or to enforce the use of dynamic dependencies for certain dependencies

  "forbidden": [
      "name": "only-dyn-deps-to-otherside",
      "comment": "only dynamically depend on 'otherside' modules",
      "severity": "error",
      "from": {},
      "to": { "path": "@theotherside/", "dynamic": "false" }

More than one dependencyType per dependency? moreThanOneDependencyType

With the flexible character of package.json it's totally possible to specify a package more than once - e.g. both in the peerDependencies and in the dependencies. Sometimes this is intentional (e.g. to make sure a plugin type package works with both npm 2 and 3), but it can be a typo as well.

Anyway, it's useful to be conscious about it. You can check for it with a moreThanOneDependencyType attribute - which matches these when set to true:

  "name": "no-duplicate-dep-types",
  "severity": "warn",
  "from": {},
  "to": { "moreThanOneDependencyType": true }

When left out it doesn't matter how many dependency types a dependency has.

(If you're more of an 'allowed' user: it matches the 0 and 1 cases when set to false).

The options

doNotFollow: don't cruise modules adhering to this pattern any further

command line option equivalent: --do-not-follow (string values passed to 'path' only)

If you do want to see certain modules in your reports, but are not interested in these modules' dependencies, you'd pass the regular expression for those modules to the doNotFollow option. A typical pattern you'd use with this is "node_modules":

    "options": {
        "path": "node_modules"

Specifying dependency types in doNotFollow

It's not possible to use this on the command line

--do-not-follow to specify a regular expression for files that dependency-cruiser should cruise, but not follow any further. In the options section you can restrict what gets cruised by specifying dependency types. So if e.g. you don't want dependency-cruiser to follow external dependencies, in stead of specifying the "node_modules" path:

    "options": {
        "doNotFollow": {
            // "path": "node_modules",
            dependencyTypes: [

exclude: exclude dependencies from being cruised

command line option equivalent: --exclude (string values passed to 'path' only)

If you don't want to see certain modules in your report (or not have them validated), you can exclude them by passing a regular expression to the exclude. E.g. to exclude node_modules from being scanned altogether:

   "options": {
        "exclude": {
            "path": "node_modules"

Because it's regular expressions, you can do more interesting stuff here as well. To exclude all modules with a file path starting with coverage, test or node_modules, you could do this:

   "options": {
        "exclude": {
            "path": "^(coverage|test|node_modules)"

Other 'exclude' attributes

It's also possible to exclude dependencies on other properties than the (resolved) paths at either end of them. To exclude all dependencies that result of an (ecmascript) dynamic import from being included in a cruise, you can use the dynamic attibute:

    "options": {
        "exclude": {
            "dynamic": true

Other attributes might come in future releases

includeOnly: only include modules satisfying a pattern

command line option equivalent: --include-only

In the includeOnly option you can pass a regular expression of all file paths dependency-cruiser should include in a cruise. It will discard all files not matching the includeOnly pattern.

E.g. to only take modules into account that are in the src tree (and exclude all node_modules, core modules and modules otherwise outside it):

"options": {
    "includeOnly": "^src/"

If you specify both an exclude and an include, dependency-cruiser takes them both into account.


command line option equivalent: --max-depth

Only cruise the specified depth, counting from the specified root-module(s). This command is mostly useful in combination with visualisation output like dot to keep the generated output to a manageable size.

This will cruise the dependencies of each file directly in the src folder, up to a depth of 1:

  "maxDepth": 1

max depth = 1

With "maxDepth": 2 it'll look like this:

max depth = 2

And with "maxDepth": 3 like this:

dependency-cruiser cruised with max depth 3

Usage note

The maxDepth option is there to help with visualizing. If your goal is to validate this option is best left alone as you'll miss a dependency or two otherwise.

prefix: prefix links in reports

command line option equivalent: --prefix

If you want the links in the svg output to have a prefix (say, so when you click them you'll open the link on github instead of the local file - pass that in the prefix option, e.g.:

  "prefix": ""

Usage note

Typically you want the prefix to end on a /.


command line option equivalent: --module-systems

Here you can pass a list of module systems dependency-cruiser should use to detect dependencies. It defaults to ["amd", "cjs", "es6"] The 'module systems' dependency-cruiser supports:

System Meaning
amd Asynchronous Module Defintion as used by a.o. RequireJS
cjs Common js as popularized by node.js which uses the require function to include other modules
es6 modules as defined for ECMAScript 6 in 2015 in ecma-262, with proper import and export statements
tsd TypeScript 'tripple slash directives'


command line option equivalent: --ts-pre-compilation-deps

By default dependency-cruiser does not take dependencies between typescript modules that don't exist after compilation to javascript. Pass this command line switch to do take them into account.

Pre-compilation dependencies example: only importing a type As the javascript doesn't really know about types, dependencies on types only exist before, but not after compile time.

a.ts exports an interface ...

import { B } from "./b";
export interface A {
  foo: string;
const b = new B();

... and b.ts uses that interface:

import { A } from "./a";
export class B {}
const a: A = { foo: "foo" };

After compilation b.js looks like this:

// import omitted as it only contained a reference to a type
export class B {}
const a = { foo: "foo" }; // no type refer

Normally, without tsPreCompilationDeps the output will look like this: 'no import use' with typescript pre-compilation dependencies

With tsPreCompilationDeps the dependency graph does include the dependency-on-a-type-only from b.ts to a.ts:

'no import use' with typescript pre-compilation dependencies
Pre-compilation dependencies example: import without use

Similarly, if you import something, but don't use it, the dependency only exists before compilation. Take for example these two typescript modules:


import { B } from "./b";
export class A {}


export class B {}

As a.ts uses none of the imports from b, the typescript compiler will omit them when compiling and yield this for a.js:

// no imports here anymore...
export class A {}

Hence, without tsPreCompilationDeps dependency-cruiser's output will look like this:

'no import use' without typescript pre-compilation dependencies

... and with tsPreCompilationDeps like this:

'no import use' with typescript pre-compilation dependencies

tsConfig: use a typescript configuration file ('project')

command line option equivalent: --ts-config

If dependency-cruiser encounters typescript, it compiles it to understand what it is looking at. If you have compilerOptions in your tsconfig.json you think it should take into account, you can use this option to make it do that. You might want to do this e.g. if you have baseDir/ paths keys in your tsconfig, or are using jsx/ tsx outside of a react context.

Dependency-cruiser understands the extends configuration in tsconfig's so if you have a hierarchy of configs, you just need to pass the relevant one.


  "options": {
  "tsConfig": {
    "fileName": "tsconfig.json"

You can do it even more minimalistically like so (in which case dependency-cruiser will assume the fileName to be tsconfig.json)

"options": {
  "tsConfig": {}

On the command line

### use the `tsconfig.json` in the current directory into account when looking
### at typescript sources:
depcruise --ts-config --validate -- src

### use ` for the same purpose:
depcruise --ts-config --validate -- src

Usage notes

  • The configuration file you can pass as an argument to this option is relative to the current working directory.
  • dependency-cruiser currently only looks at the compilerOptions key in the tsconfig.json and not at other keys (e.g. files, include and exclude).

Yarn Plug'n'Play support - externalModuleResolutionStrategy

there is no command line equivalent for this

If you're using yarn's Plug'n'Play to have external modules resolved and want dependency-cruiser to take that into account, set the externalModuleResolutionStrategy attribute to yarn-pnp. The default for this attribute is node_modules which is the default strategy in the node ecosystem as well.

webpackConfig: use (the resolution options of) a webpack configuration

command line option equivalent: --webpack-config
passing env and arguments is only available in the configuration file's options

Dependency-cruiser will pluck the resolve key from the webpack configuration you pass here and will use that information to resolve files on disk.

"options": {
  "webpackConfig": {
    "fileName": "webpack.config.js"

Or, shorter, to let dependency-cruiser pick the default webpack.config.js all by itself:

"options": {
  "webpackConfig": {}

If your webpack configuration exports a function that takes parameters, you can provide the parameters like so:

"options": {
  "webpackConfig": {
    "fileName": "webpack.config.js",
    "env": { "production": true },
    "arguments": { "mode": "production" }

Usage notes

  • The configuration file you can pass as an argument to this option is relative to the current working directory.
  • If your webpack config exports an array of configurations, dependency-cruiser will only use the resolve options of the first configuration in that array.
  • For more information check out the the webpack resolve documentation.

Some more esoteric options


command line option equivalent: --preserve-symlinks

Whether to leave symlinks as is or resolve them to their realpath. This option defaults to false (which is also nodejs' default behavior since release 6).

mono repo behavior - combinedDependencies

If combinedDependencies is on false (the default) dependency-cruiser will search for a package.json closest up from the source file it investigates. This is the behavior you expect in a regular repo and in mono repos with independent packages. When in doubt keep this switch out of your config or set it to false.

  • monodash/
    • package.json
    • packages/
      • begindash/
        • package.json <- only look in this one
        • src/
          • index.ts

With combinedDependencies on true dependency-cruiser will merge dependencies from package.jsons from closest up from the source file until the place you started the cruise (typically the root of your monorepo). It 'll give precedence to the dependencies declared in the package.json closest to the file it investigates:

  • monodash/
  • package.json <- look in this one as well; merge it into the one down the tree
  • packages/
    • begindash/
    • package.json <- look in this one
    • src/
    • index.ts

Configurations in javascript

From version 4.7.0 you can pass a javascript module to --validate. It'll work as long as it exports a valid configuration object and node can understand it.

This allows you to do all sorts of nifty stuff, like composing rule sets or using function predicates in rules. For example:

const subNotAllowed = require("rules/sub-not-allowed.json");
const noInterComponents = require("rules/sub-no-inter-components.json");

module.exports = {
  forbidden: [subNotAllowed, noInterComponents],
  options: {
    tsConfig: {
      fileName: "./tsconfig.json"