tj/commander.js - For command line parsing - and cooking command line interfaces.
chalk/chalk - For coloring strings in the terminal. A typical Sorhus style micro module that uses other micro modules to accomplish its goals.
petkaantonov/bluebird - promise library
substack/safe-regex - for sanity checking regular expressions against exponential time errors. For everyone who enables users to input regular expressions in.
substack/node-resolve - resolves (node) module names to files on disk.
yargs/yargs - Another library to parse command line options/ cook command line interfaces.
It is possible to use dependency-cruiser to infer dependencies of typescript projects.
We got the picture of tslint below by changing to the tslint/src folder and running this:
dependency-cruise -T dot -x node_modules index.ts | dot -T png > tslint-without-node_modules.png
(Yep, that's all - no separate transpilation steps necessary ...)
palantir/tslint - linter for typescript.
In the same vein dependency-cruiser directly supports CoffeeScript.
In the src
folder of the coffeescript repo run this:
depcruise -x node_modules -T dot . | dot -T png > coffee-script-coffee-without-node_modules.png
jashkenas/coffeescript - the coffeescript transpiler:
(You see some modules flagged as unresolvable - )
Dependency cruiser used on itself. node_modules left out to keep it concise.
sverweij/state-machine-cat - an interpreter for writing nice state diagrams.
mscgenjs/mscgenjs-core - an interpreter library for turning text (in MscGen or two other DSLs) into sequence charts.