This package is obsoleted with a compiler warning
Api Approver is a simple NuGet package built on top of ApprovalTests.Net which approves the public API of an assembly.
Whenever the public API changes the Api Approver test will fail. Running the test manually will pop up a diff tool allowing you to see the changes. If the changes are fine (i.e an added overload) then the changes can simply be approved and test will pass again.
There are times though that changes to the public API is accidental. Api Approver simply adds a step that all public API changes have to be reviewed by a developer and accepted, saving accidental breaking changes being shipped.
PublicApiGenerator has no dependencies and simply creates a string the represents the public API. Any approval library can be used to approve the generated public API.
Install-package PublicApiGenerator
var publicApi = ApiGenerator.GeneratePublicApi(typeof(Library).Assembly);
public void my_assembly_has_no_public_api_changes()
var publicApi = ApiGenerator.GeneratePublicApi(typeof(Library).Assembly);
var approvedFilePath = "PublicApi.approved.txt";
if (!File.Exists(approvedFilePath))
// Create a file to write to.
using (var sw = File.CreateText(approvedFilePath)) { }
var approvedApi = File.ReadAllText(approvedFilePath);
Assert.Equal(approvedApi, publicApi);
Install-package Shouldly
public void my_assembly_has_no_public_api_changes()
var publicApi = ApiGenerator.GeneratePublicApi(typeof(Library).Assembly);
Install-package ApprovalTests
public void my_assembly_has_no_public_api_changes()
var publicApi = ApiGenerator.GeneratePublicApi(typeof(Library).Assembly);;
var writer = new ApprovalTextWriter(publicApi, "txt");
var approvalNamer = new AssemblyPathNamer(assembly.Location);
Approvals.Verify(writer, approvalNamer, Approvals.GetReporter());
private class AssemblyPathNamer : UnitTestFrameworkNamer
private readonly string name;
public AssemblyPathNamer(string assemblyPath)
name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath);
public override string Name
get { return name; }