Hi, I'm Benoit, a passionate software engineer. During my working hours, I mainly focus on building and maintaing data pipelines 🔧. I also put ML models in production and monitor the good behaviour of our applications once in production.
Outside of my working hours, I enjoy learning new technologies that are far from my day-to-day life. For example, I'm learning Rust and I have previously worked on side projects about cybersecurity or Front-end development. As an open-source enthusiast, my aim is to contribute more to open-source projects this year and keep sharing my work as much as possible 😊.
💻 I love sharing my knowledge with the community. You can find me on Medium or on my blog. Publishing on dev.to is on my to-do list!
📙 I'm also starting to write my own book on how to learn rust with tests. I'm particularly excited about this project. The book is available online for free.