- The logging framework should support different log levels, such as DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL.
- It should allow logging messages with a timestamp, log level, and message content.
- The framework should support multiple output destinations, such as console, file, and database.
- It should provide a configuration mechanism to set the log level and output destination.
- The logging framework should be thread-safe to handle concurrent logging from multiple threads.
- It should be extensible to accommodate new log levels and output destinations in the future.
- The LogLevel enum defines the different log levels supported by the logging framework.
- The LogMessage class represents a log message with a timestamp, log level, and message content.
- The LogAppender interface defines the contract for appending log messages to different output destinations.
- The ConsoleAppender, FileAppender, and DatabaseAppender classes are concrete implementations of the LogAppender interface, supporting logging to the console, file, and database, respectively.
- The LoggerConfig class holds the configuration settings for the logger, including the log level and the selected log appender.
- The Logger class is a singleton that provides the main logging functionality. It allows setting the configuration, logging messages at different levels, and provides convenience methods for each log level.
- The LoggingExample class demonstrates the usage of the logging framework, showcasing different log levels, changing the configuration, and logging from multiple threads.