Say that I have 2 projects, A
and B
From project A, I have topics: projects/A/topics/events
From project B, I add a subscription to above topic, subscription name is: projects/B/subscriptions/on-A-events
Note: I created the subscription via Graph API Explorer, not via the Cloud Console (just can't do it with Cloud Console)
So, these code will raise an Exception:
from gcloud import pubsub
c = pubsub.Client(project='A')
t = c.topic('events')
subs = t.list_subscriptions() # Error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
File "<input>", line 1, in <listcomp>
File ".../site-packages/gcloud-0.14.0-py3.5.egg/gcloud/pubsub/", line 311, in list_subscriptions
sub_name = subscription_name_from_path(sub_path, self.project)
File "../site-packages/gcloud-0.14.0-py3.5.egg/gcloud/pubsub/", line 73, in subscription_name_from_path
return _name_from_project_path(path, project, _SUBSCRIPTION_TEMPLATE)
File ".../site-packages/gcloud-0.14.0-py3.5.egg/gcloud/", line 464, in _name_from_project_path
'project from resource(%s).' % (project, found_project))
ValueError: Project from client (A) should agree with project from resource(B).
I take a dive into the source codes, and I see that you guys are assuming that every subscriptions that returned have to be in same project with the client, but it's not in my case.
Is it a bug or my misunderstanding?