Compiler rules not allowing specified compiler binary to run? #1171
Not sure if this is a bug or my misunderstanding, but here goes.
I had a rule like this pushed to devices which was allowing XCode to run -
"creation_time": 1692697150,
"custom_msg": "",
"identifier": "",
"rule_type": "SIGNINGID"
We do a small bit of macOS development so I wanted to test out Compiler/Transitive rules. So I edited the rule above as follows and did a clean sync to all devices -
"creation_time": 1692697150,
"custom_msg": "",
"identifier": "",
"rule_type": "SIGNINGID"
We started to get reports of Santa popups for XCode and running fileinfo against it showed it as "BLOCKED (UNKNOWN)". 'santactl status' and PreFlight was showing 3 compiler rules on the devices, so the rule was being received and added to the database. I edited the rule again, to change the policy to "ALLOWLIST" and XCode started to work again.
We're running Santa 2023.7.