My Maven project is a java library, and it has another java library dependency, both my project and that dependency are under same package name.
Here is a minimum example.
My project has a single source file:
public abstract class DuplicateSpannerConfig {
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract DuplicateSpannerConfig build();
and declared a dependency
Run mvn clean compile
Expected: only AutoValue_DuplicateSpannerConfig in target/classes/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/gcp/spanner/
and target/classes
Actual: there are many AutoValue_* classes, seemingly regenerated from binaries in beam-sdks-java-io-google-cloud-platform
in target/classes/org/apache/beam/sdk/io/gcp/spanner/
Also, it seems there are specific conditions to trigger this bug:
If I my the
class into an inner class, only my class was processed. -
I also setup a same Gradle project, instead of using Maven, it works fine
The example is also available at .
This was found by and reproduced locally. It is problematic for that project because the duplicated AutoValue_* classes does not handle nullable members correctly. For example, even though the decompiled dependency jar shows the @AutoValue
abstract class has nullable members, e.g.
abstract @UnknownKeyFor @NonNull @Initialized Builder setCredentials(@UnknownKeyFor @NonNull @Initialized ValueProvider<@UnknownKeyFor @NonNull @Initialized Credentials> credentials);
and the AutoValue class in the dependency jar correctly marked it nullable
private @Nullable ValueProvider<Credentials> credentials;
nullable annotations get lost in the duplicate (generated) AutoValue class, unless my project duplicate the sources of the dependency jar (that is what currently did in DataflowTemplates/v1/.../gcp/spanner