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Adaptive Learning Rate Decay

This directory contains libraries for performing federated learning with adaptive learning rate decay. For a more general look at using TensorFlow Federated for research, see Using TFF for Federated Learning Research. This directory contains a more advanced version of federated averaging, and assumes some familiarity with libraries such as tff.learning.build_federated_averaging_process.


Some pip packages are required by this library, and may need to be installed. See the requirements file for details.

We also require Bazel in order to run the code. Please see the guide here for installation instructions.

General description

This example contains two main libraries, and The latter implements learning rate callbacks that adaptively decay learning rates based on moving averages of metrics. This is relevant in the federated setting, as we may wish to decay learning rates based on the average training loss across rounds.

These callbacks are used in to perform federated averaging with adaptive learning rate decay. Notably, decouples client and server leaerning rates so that they can be decayed independently, and so that we do not conflate their effects. In order to do this adaptive decay, the iterative process computes metrics before and during training. The metrics computed before training are used to inform the learning rate decay throughout.

Example usage

Suppose we wanted to run a training process in which we decay the client learning rate when the training loss plateaus. We would first create a client learning rate callback via a command such as

client_lr_callback = callbacks.create_reduce_lr_on_plateau(

Every time a new loss value loss_value is computed, you can call callbacks.update_reduce_lr_on_plateau(client_lr_callback, loss_value) This will update the moving average of loss maintained by the callback, as well as the smallest loss value seen so far. If the loss is deemed to have plateaued according to these metrics, the client learning rate will be decayed by a factor of client_lr_callback.decay_factor.

These callbacks are incorporated into adaptive_fed_avg so that the learning rate (client and/or server) will be decayed automatically as learning progresses. For example, suppose we do not want the server LR to decay. Then we can construct server_lr_callback = callbacks.create_reduce_lr_on_plateau(learning_rate=1.0, decay_factor=1.0), and then, using these callbacks with a model_fn that returns an uncompiled tf.keras.Model, we can call

iterative_process = adaptive_fed_avg.build_fed_avg_process(

This will build an iterative process that trains the model created by model_fn using federated averaging, decaying the client learning rate as training progresses according to whether the loss plateaus.

More detailed usage

The learning rate callbacks have many other configurations that may improve performance. For example, you can set a cooldown period (preventing the learning rate from decaying for a number of rounds after it has decayed), or configure how many consecutive rounds of plateauing loss must be observed before decaying the learning rate (via the patience argument). For more details, see the documentation for

Benchmarking experiments

We use the tff.simulation.baselines API to provide a number of pre-canned models/datasets that can be used with the adaptive learning rate decay algorithm above. To run these, use the binary. This binary will, according to absl flags, run any of the tasks in the tff.simulation.baselines A summary of the tasks, which are set via the --task flag, is given below.

Task Dataset Model Task Summary
cifar100_image CIFAR-100 ResNet-18 (with GroupNorm layers) Image classification
emnist_autoencoder EMNIST Bottleneck network Autoencoder
emnist_character EMNIST CNN (with dropout) Character recognition
shakespeare_character Shakespeare RNN with 2 LSTM layers Next-character prediction
stackoverflow_word Stack Overflow RNN with 1 LSTM layer Next-word prediction
stackoverflow_tag Stack Overflow Logistic regression classifier Tag prediction

To run the corresponding binaries, we require Bazel. Instructions for installing Bazel can be found here.

To run a baseline classifier on CIFAR-100, for example, one would run (inside this directory):

bazel run :federated_trainer -- --task=cifar100_image --total_rounds=100
--client_optimizer=sgd --client_learning_rate=0.1 --server_optimizer=sgd
--server_learning_rate=0.1 --clients_per_round=10 --client_epochs_per_round=1

This will run 100 communication rounds of federated averaging, using SGD on both the server and client, with 10 clients per round and 1 client epoch per round. For more details on these flags, see

In the example above, the client and server both use learning rates of 0.1. By default, when the loss plateaus, the iterative process constructed will adaptively decay the client learning rate by a factor of 0.1 and the server learning rate by a factor of 0.9. To customize the adaptive learning rate decay further, one could alter the server learning rate decay factor, the window size used to estimate the global loss, the minimum learning rate, and other configurations. These are configured via abseil flags. For a list of flags configuring the adaptive learning rate decay, see