Tags: godotengine/godot
Bump version to 4.4-stable \o/ Another massive release with close to 3000 commits (excluding merge commits), with a big focus on improvements to the overall workflow and usability of the editor. Engine features didn't want to be left out amidst this usability focus though, and this release is absolutely feature-packed in all areas. See the release page for details: https://godotengine.org/releases/4.4/ More than 500 contributors were involved in this new feature release, and we want to thank them all for their amazing contributors, as well as all users who sponsor the Development Fund, reported bugs, opened proposals, or supported each other on our community platforms.
Bump version to 3.6-stable \o/ At long last, after 2 years of development, Godot 3.6 is finally out! Developing it in parallel to the 4.x branch proved to be a challenge, as eventually I (Rémi) hardly had any time to focus on it. Thankfully lawnjelly picked up the torch, both on the feature dev side (most new rendering features are his work) but now also as release manager for 3.x. For anyone still using Godot 3.5 for their released or soon-to-be published titles, upgrading to 3.6 should bring a lot of bug fixes, as well as a number of useful features and quality of life improvements.
Bump version to 4.3-stable \o/ This release turned out to be a massive one, exceeding our original plans for the development cycle, but for good reasons to address many critical issues that users identified since the 4.0 release. The user experience should be much stabler and more polished than in previous releases, with less obscure and game or workflow-breaking bugs. And of course the feature set kept increasing with a number of highly awaited improvements to all engine areas. We have close to 3500 commits in this release, twice as many as 4.2! More than 500 contributors were involved in this new feature release, and we want to thank them all for their amazing contributors, as well as all users who sponsor the Development Fund, reported bugs, opened proposals, or supported each other on our community platforms.
Bump version to 4.2-stable \o/ This has been another successful short release cycle for Godot 4, with more than 1850 commits authored by over 350 contributors in 5 months! We managed to publish 3 feature releases (4.0, 4.1, and 4.2) in a year, for the first time ever. Despite the short development cycle, both 4.1 and 4.2 have been absolutely feature packed! We're happy with that development pace overall, and ready to start planning our 2024 releases with a similar workflow. Thanks to all the contributors for your amazing work, and to the Godot community at large for your incredible support <3