Textures created with ImageTexture.create_from_image
are ignoring custom provided mipmaps #66848
Godot version
Godot 4 beta2
System information
Windows 10 64 bits NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060
Issue description
I created an Image
from code, integrating custom mipmaps. The image is successfully created, however when I use it to create an ImageTexture
, the resulting texture appears to have no mipmaps.
Steps to reproduce
var im = Image.new()
im.create_from_data(size_x, size_y, true, Image.FORMAT_RGB8, pixels_with_mipmaps)
var tex = ImageTexture.create_from_image(im)
var sm = ShaderMaterial.new()
sm.shader = load("res://show_mips.gdshader")
sm.set_shader_parameter("u_texture", tex)
_mesh_instance.material_override = sm
shader_type spatial;
uniform sampler2D u_texture;
void fragment() {
ALBEDO = textureLod(u_texture, UV, fract(TIME) * 10.0).rgb;
Minimal reproduction project
In this project, every mip is a different random color. The expected result is a cube flickering with multiple colors. However only the first color shows up.
I'm not sure yet if I've done a mistake somewhere, because the way to create custom mipmaps is not documented, mipmaps aren't shown in editor inspector, and currently the remote inspector doesn't seem to work well enough to show remote textures.
After giving mipmaps to icon.png
and testing this:
var tex = ImageTexture.create_from_image(load("res://icon.svg").get_image())
The result appears to have mipmaps. So I'm quite confused what I could have possibly missed.
Maybe Image
isn't properly initializing? Maybe mipmaps I provide are completely ignored?
After more tests (adding noise to mip colors) it seems the latter is happening... ImageTexture
finds that there are mipmaps, but ignores them and makes its own.