Animation Playback Track not seeking properly in the Animation Editor #38093
Godot version:
OS/device including version:
Window 10 64bit
Issue description:
When seeking through an Animation that has a Animation Playback Track, the Animation Playback Track is not updated accordingly if the selected animation is not a looped animation. "Play the Animation from current pos" also doesn't play the Animation Playback Track correctly if the play bar is in the middle of the animation track.
Here is a capture of the expected result that is obtained when playing the animation from the start
Here is a capture of the seeking in the editor that does not play the expected animation
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an object with an attached animation player (A)
- Create a simple one shot animation
- Create another animation player B
- Inside of the animation player B, create an Animation Playback Track, targeting the animation player A
- Add a key inside the Animation Playback Track, with the animation created in step 2 as the Animation parameter.
- Scroll through the timeline using the mouse, and notice that the animation from the animation player A is not updating accordingly.
Or using the included reproduction project :
- Open the Main.tscn scene
- Open the GlobalAnimationPlayer node
- Select the GlobalAnimationWithOneShot animation
- Scroll through the timeline using the mouse, and notice that the animation clip is not playing the correct animation (the Sprite should move up and down)
Minimal reproduction project:
Additional notes:
I have a fix available here EspeuteClement@d6f24f8 , but I didn't know if I could make a pull request for a bug that doesn't have an open issue.