All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- [Added] rem-to-pixel fallbacks in CSS.
- [Changed] scss_lint replaced with Stylelint for faster processing.
- [Removed] System notification support for build errors.
1.1.0 - January 3, 2016
- [Added]
web font caching fallback for JavaScript-disabled browsers. - [Added] Font bundling is now a separate task from Sass processing (
gulp fonts
) and it takes web fonts without requiring you go to localFont. - [Changed] Babel 6 with ES2015, React and Stage 3 support.
- [Changed] ESLint uses Airbnb presets with support for Babel and React.
- [Changed] JavaScript testing using AVA instead of Tape.
- Initial release, based on the Genesis sample theme (version 2.2.0) by StudioPress.
- [Added] Gulp asset building pipeline.
- [Added] Genesis sample theme styles adapted for SCSS.
- [Added] Susy 2.0 grid system.
- [Added] Web font loader with localStorage cache.
- [Added] JavaScript asset building and optimization via Browserify.
- [Added] ECMAScript 2015 support for client-side logic.
- [Added] Support for JavaScript modules installed via NPM.
- [Added] Support for PHP packages installed via Composer.
- [Added] PHPUnit and Tape testing frameworks.
- [Added] Linter support for JavaScript and SCSS.
- [Added] BrowserSync support.