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SmartAPI - PHP Client SDK


Without composer

Download library from here and use as your custom library

Via composer

composer require smartapi-php/angelbroking


The simplest usage of the library would be as follows:


require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$smart_api  = new \AngelBroking\SmartApi(
$smart_api ->GenerateSession("client-code","password");


Usage for frameworks

Import package to controller

use AngelBroking\SmartApi;

Getting started with API

  //in your function of controller create instance of AngelBroking class

    $smart_api  = new SmartApi(
    				// OPTIONAL
			    //  "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN",
    $smart_api ->GenerateSession("Client-code","password");
    $token = $smart_api ->GenerateToken();  
    $profile = $smart_api ->GetProfile();
    $smart_api ->LogOut(array('clientcode'=>'your client-code'));
    $rms = $smart_api ->GetRMS();
    $order = $smart_api ->PlaceOrder(array('variety' => 'NORMAL',
                                    'tradingsymbol'  =>  'JINDALSTEL-EQ',
                                    'symboltoken' => '6733',
                                    'exchange' => 'NSE',
                                    'transactiontype' => 'SELL',
                                    'ordertype' => 'LIMIT',
                                    'quantity' => '1',
                                    'producttype' => 'INTRADAY',
                                    'price' => 312.65,
                                    'squareoff' => 0,
                                    'stoploss' => 0,
                                    'duration' => 'DAY'));
     $modifyOrder = $smart_api ->ModifyOrder(array('variety' => 'NORMAL',
                                    'tradingsymbol'  =>  'JINDALSTEL-EQ',
                                    'symboltoken' => '6733',
                                    'exchange' => 'NSE',
                                    'transactiontype' => 'BUY',
                                    'ordertype' => 'LIMIT',
                                    'quantity' => '1',
                                    'producttype' => 'INTRADAY',
                                    'price' => 200,
                                    'squareoff' => 0,
                                    'stoploss' => 0,
                                    'duration' => 'DAY',
                                    'orderid' =>210312000000394));
    $cancelOrder = $smart_api ->CancelOrder(array('variety' => 'NORMAL',
                                      'orderid' => '210312000000394'));
    $GetOrderBook = $smart_api ->GetOrderBook();
    $GetTradeBook = $smart_api ->GetTradeBook();
    $GetHoldings =  $smart_api ->GetHoldings();
    $GetPosition  = $smart_api ->GetPosition();
    $ConvertPosition  = $smart_api ->ConvertPosition(array("exchange"=>"NSE",
   $CreateRule  = $smart_api ->CreateRule(array("tradingsymbol" => "SBIN-EQ", 
                                      "symboltoken" => "3045", 
                                      "exchange" => "NSE", 
                                      "producttype" => "MARGIN", 
                                      "transactiontype" => "BUY",
                                      "price" => 100000, 
                                      "qty" => 10, 
                                      "disclosedqty"=> 10, 
                                      "triggerprice" => 200000,
                                      "timeperiod" => 365));
   $ModifyRule  = $smart_api ->ModifyRule(array('id' => '1000059',
                                       "tradingsymbol" => "SBIN-EQ", 
                                      "symboltoken" => "3045", 
                                      "exchange" => "NSE", 
                                      "producttype" => "MARGIN", 
                                      "transactiontype" => "BUY",
                                      "price" => 100000, 
                                      "qty" => 20, 
                                      "disclosedqty"=> 10, 
                                      "triggerprice" => 200000,
                                      "timeperiod" => 365));
    $CancelRule = $smart_api ->CancelRule(array('symboltoken'  => '3045'
                                       'exchange'   =>   'NSE' ,
                                      'id'  => '1000059'));
    $RuleDetails = $smart_api ->RuleDetails(array('id'=>'1000059'));
    $RuleList = $smart_api ->RuleList(array( "status"=> [
                                 "page"=> 1,
                                 "count"=> 10));
    $GetCandleData = $smart_api ->GetCandleData(array("exchange"=> "NSE",
                                             "symboltoken"=> "3045",
                                             "interval"=> "ONE_MINUTE",
                                             "fromdate"=> "2021-02-08 09:00",
                                             "todate"=> "2021-02-08 09:16"));

Getting started with SmartAPI Websocket's

Download socket.js from src/socket.js and add it to your assets folder

//include script.js in you current file
<script src="YOUR_FOLDER_PATH/socket.js"></script>

//write script wherever you want live steaming
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var ws =new  websocket('clientCode', 'feedToken', 'scrip', 'task');
		//connect to server
		ws.connection().then(() => {
	        ws.runScript("nse_cm|2885", "mw");
	         // SCRIPT: exchange|token for multi stocks use & seperator, mcx_fo|222900  ### TASK: mw|sfi|dp

	        setTimeout(function () {
	        }, 3000)

	   //add callback method where you can manipulate socket data
		ws.on('tick', receiveTick);

		//user defined function
		function receiveTick(data) {
		    data =  JSON.parse(data);
		    if (data!=='' ) {