This library provides developers with a simple set of bindings to the 2Checkout purchase routine, Instant Notification Service and Back Office API.
To use, download or clone the repository.
git clone
Or import into your Gemfile
gem 'twocheckout', :git => "git://"
Full documentation for each binding will be provided in the Wiki.
Example Usage:
Twocheckout.api_credentials=({'username' => 'APIuser1817037', 'password' => 'APIpass1817037'})
@action = Twocheckout::Sale.refund({'sale_id' => 4769044324, 'comment' => "test refund", 'category' => 1})
puts @action
Example Response:
"response_code" : "OK",
"response_message" : "refund added to invoice"
Example Usage:
require "sinatra"
get '/' do
@@form = Twocheckout::Charge.submit({'sid' => 1817037, 'cart_order_id' => 'Example Sale', 'total' => 1.00})
Example Usage:
require "sinatra"
post '/' do
@@response = Twocheckout::Return.request({ :credentials => {'sid' => '532001', 'secret' => 'tango'}, :params => params})
Example Response:
"code" : "PASS",
"message" : "Hash Matched"
Example Usage:
require "sinatra"
post '/' do
@@response = Twocheckout::Ins.request({ :credentials => {'sid' => 532001, 'secret' => 'tango'}, :params => params})
Example Response:
"code" : "PASS",
"message" : "Hash Matched"
Full documentation for each binding will be provided in the Wiki.