This project focuses on best practices of object-oriented programming, AWS AI Services, AWS DeepLens, AWS DeepRacer, and AWS DeepComposer.
- aws machine learning scholarship quiz answers
- Software Engineering Practices Pt II
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- Machine Learning with AWS DeepComposer
The Anaconda distribution is free to install and can be downloaded using:
Based on your operating system, installation instructions are available online:
Python 3 is required to run the files within this repository.
In a terminal or command window, navigate to the top-level project directory AWS-Machine-Learning-Scholarship-Program/
(that contains this README) and run the following command:
jupyter notebook jupyter_notebook.ipynb
jupyter notebook jupyter_notebook.ipynb
on any Jupyter Notebook. This will open the iPython Notebook software and project file in your browser.
PEP 257 - Docstring Conventions
How do I create some kind of table of content in GitHub wiki?
Udacity's course: Writing READMEs
A successful Git branching model
How to version control your production machine learning models
Versioning Data Science Solutions
Data Science and Test Driven Development
Test-Driven Development for Data Science
Test Driven Development is essential for good data science
Python - public, private and protected Access Modifiers
Python's Instance, Class, and Static Methods Demystified
Create compositions using sample models in music studio
Inspect the training of existing sample models
Train your own model within the AWS DeepComposer console
This project uses the MIT License.