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gl3dv - 3D mesh viewer v1.2

by George Litos (

based on Coin3D

WARNING - old code base (last compiled on 2008)

Command Line Options

usage: gl3dv [filename] [options]

	enables stereo viewer at startup

--stereooffset N
	set the offset between the two viewpoints when in stereo mode

--background R G B
	color values in the range [0.0, 1.0]

--size W H
	output window size in pixels WxH

--numpasses N
	antialising number of passes in the range [1, 15]


filename: VRML file (*.wrl) VRML97 compatible or older VRML format files

    PTS pointset file (*.pts)
	point cloud files using the following format (each line):
	(float)x (float)y (float)z (int)R (int)G (int)B
	correct RGB values are in the range of 0 to 255

    Inventor file (*.iv)
	Inventor compatible files

GUI Options

[i]		diplay information panel [OSD]
[s]		save snapshot in JPEG format (default filaneme: snapshot.jpg in current directory)
[p]		save snapshot in PNG format (supports transparency)
[e]		save snapshot in EPS format
[a]		toggle antialiasing
[t]		toggle transparency
[c]		toggle autocropping
[b/B]		increase/decrease crop border size (pixels)
[x|y|z]		rotate on the corresponding axis
[m]		toggle image saving status,
		saves image sequence when rotating (frame0xxx.png)

Right mouse button menu brings up various self explanatory display options.


For support, bugs, recommendations etc. check