New README This app is now a cat-facts sender. It allows you to enter a SendHub API key and username and it will send a cat fact to a contact when you press "Send Message". It picks a random catfact from a list of about 53 catfacts.
Put your sendhub username and API key in the file APIConstants.h.
Note: If you make changes to a contact, you must save it before you send it a message. This might be fixed in the future.
Old README - No longer correct An very simple example of how to use the SendHub API to add, delete, and modify contacts. This example also includes the ability to send a message to one of your contacts. Username and API key are hardcoded so be aware of this! Feel free to abuse my API key though, I don't actually use SendHub.
This example should be easy to understand. Almost every line is commented, explaining exactly what each line does and why I do it.