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Enhanced version of the standard “cd” command


Like “cd”

Use a real path :

vf /go/to/the/desired/path
vf ../here
vf ~/documents
vf -

If you use option -f, vf will try to find the desired directory for you :

$ pwd 
$ vf -f github
$ pwd

Use alias

Create an alias :

vf /go/to/the/desired/path
vf -s myalias

Then if you want to go to /go/to/the/desired/path :

vf myalias

Remove an alias :

vf -r myalias

List your alias :

vf -l

Use history

Consult your history :

vf -H

This will display a list like :

3 : ~
2 : /Users/greg/Documents/CouchDB
1 : /Users/greg/temp/Leonhard

Then you can use +N to go back to N :

vf +2
# I'm now in /Users/greg/Documents/CouchDB

Consult tour statistics :

vf -j

This will display a list like :

Statistics :
 /Users/greg/.vf : 8
 /Users/greg/VIDAL/Dev/github/merlin : 4
 /Users/greg/Dev/github : 4
 /Users/greg : 1
 /Users/greg/VIDAL/Dev/github : 1
 /Users/greg/Dev/github/vf : 9

Then use the -j option again to go to the most visited directory :

vf -j github
# I'm now in /Users/greg/Dev/github/vf


Display the current configuration :

vf --config show

Here is the default result :

Configuration :
 history_max_size = 50
 history_display_size = 10
 auto_find = false
 local_directory_first = true
  • history_max_size is the history size (see “history” bellow)

  • history_display_size is the history size, displayed by the -H option (see “history” bellow)

  • auto_find allow vf to find the directory, or not (see -f option)

  • local_directory_first set to true will look if ./dir exist before looking in the alias list

If you want to change an options, use --config :

vf --config history_display_size 15

More ?

If you need more help :

vf -h


Clone the repository in your prefered directory :

git clone git://

Then add the following line in your .bashrc, .zshrc, .your shellrc :

source /path/to/vf/

If sometimes you think you are a guinea pig, you can try the experimental completion system. To do it, use instead of

ZSH Users, if you use, be sure to load compinit before!

It does not work to me

Sorry dude!

vf was tested on MacOSX only, but you can help…

Contributing to vf

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.


Enhanced version of the standard "cd" command






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