Step 1: Download the nodeJS.exe file from the by clicking on All download options
and choose the right windows arch and download it.
Step 2: Choose a folder to for nodeJS. For example, C:\ProgramData\Applications\nodejs
and save the downloaded file under this folder.
Step 3: Add the nodeJS folder to the environment variable PATH
by executing the below command in the cmd.exe
set PATH=C:\ProgramData\Applications\nodejs;%PATH%
Step 4: Now download the stable version of npm
from the below link by replacing the version.{VERSION}.tgz
For example for npm version 6.4.1,
Step 5: Now unzip the downloaded npm file anywhere and cd
into package
Step 6: Execute the following command in the cmd.exe
node bin/npm-cli.js install npm -gf
Step 7: Execute the following commands to verify the installation of nodeJS and npm.
node -v
npm -v