Data integrity on Tezos
To install nvm
$ curl -o- | bash
The command above downloads a script and runs it. It clones nvm repository to ~/.nvm
, then attempts to add the lines below to an appropriate profile file.
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm
Run one of the commands below to source the above:
bash: source ~/.bashrc
zsh: source ~/.zshrc
ksh: source ~/.profile
Install LTS version (currently, 14.16.1) of Node.js by running:
$ nvm install --lts
To check that Node.js has been correctly installed:
$ node -v
Install the static binary that runs on most Linux distributions running on x86 architecture:
$ wget
$ chmod +x ./ligo
$ sudo cp ./ligo /usr/local/bin
Note that it is also possible to use a Docker container to compile. To do so, replace ligo
with the following commmand in the compile
script in package.json
docker run --rm -v "$PWD":"$PWD" -w "$PWD" ligolang/ligo:0.15.0
See for more information on installing LIGO and for installing Docker.
Install yarn
as the package manager,
$ npm install -g yarn
and install project dependencies by running
$ yarn install
You can either use the faucet.json
file included in the repository or create a new test account with There is a list of available RPC nodes at
To run a local sandbox for local development and testing:
$ yarn start-sandbox
Note that the local sandbox (ganache-cli@tezos
) requires Docker to run.
Create an .env
file at the root of the project to set the name of the contract, URL for the RPC node, and the number of confirmation blocks. For example, the .env
file to test against Edonet as follows:
To deploy to Mainnet, a secret key for an account should be set by adding the following line:
$ yarn run help
yarn run v1.22.10
$ node ./src/main.js --help
main.js [command]
main.js originate Originate smart contract.
main.js record Record checksum to a smart contract.
main.js verify Verify the checksum of a file.
--version Show version number [boolean]
-u, --url Tezos RPC node
[string] [default: ""]
-f, --faucet_key_file Path to a faucet key JSON file [string] [default:
-s, --secret_key Secret key. [string]
-a, --algorithm Algorithm used to generate hash digests.
[string] [default: "sha256"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
Done in 0.35s.
$ yarn originate [-p path_to_file]
yarn run v1.22.10
$ node ./src/main.js originate
Originating contract at /home/ec2-user2/workspace/data-integrity-tezos/build/EvenSimpler.michelson...
Waiting for confirmation of origination for KT1Myej55KpN56bu6EmtRZbPJYEnBEzppK4Q
Origination completed.
Done in 13.16s.
$ yarn record -c <contract_address> -p <path_to_file>
yarn run v1.22.10
$ node ./src/main.js record -c KT1Myej55KpN56bu6EmtRZbPJYEnBEzppK4Q -p ./package.json
Recording 07ef68236147ce513dec19a3f7dd2bde41cc3d5b11a84fd855da78064162822e -> 52cbef0bfbfdb83732a292297ec179f7c9771166075f7e4e502c2f1a142e10ba to KT1Myej55KpN56bu6EmtRZbPJYEnBEzppK4Q
Awaiting 3 blocks for ooSgTbhT9tuVZtK3EdyJbXb7uXRrdEZnnAnaRbWzYQo2QremVWy to be confirmed...
Operation injected:
Done in 115.98s.
$ yarn verify -c <contract_address> -p <path_to_file>
Verifying 07ef68236147ce513dec19a3f7dd2bde41cc3d5b11a84fd855da78064162822e -> 52cbef0bfbfdb83732a292297ec179f7c9771166075f7e4e502c2f1a142e10ba against contract at KT1Myej55KpN56bu6EmtRZbPJYEnBEzppK4Q
Verification result: true
Done in 5.10s.
The verification result is logged to a csv file corresponding to the contract address: in the above example, the result is logged to logs/KT1Myej55KpN56bu6EmtRZbPJYEnBEzppK4Q.csv