This repository is not the official Transcriber AG repository, which is here, but an unofficial repository for people needing to build it from sources, with a few improvements.
Start version is 2.0.0 version plus Debian patches.
- improving translation system
- improving CMAKE general build system
- adding Tibetan as possible input language
- make compilation possible on modern systems:
- xerces 2 -> 3
- small fixes for recent versions of ffmpeg
- small fixes for recent versions of gtkmm
You'll have to play a bit with apt/aptitude to get the right dependencies, but globally
aptitude install build-essential cmake gettext cdbs libxerces-c-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libgtkmm-2.4-dev portaudio19-dev libsndfile1-dev xsltproc libxt-dev
should do it. On some systems, you might have dependency conflicts; in this case install libjack-jackd2-dev
. Then
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../source
sudo make install
sudo cp -R ../source/etc/TransAG /etc/
in windows
- debugging Windows build (almost done)
- separate etc/, share/ and doc/ to be more Debian-compliant (and facilitate a future well-formed Debian package)
- making Windows binaries smaller (find the good mxe options)
- include a variable in the conf to change UI language (especially for Windows)
- remove deprecated functions in ffmpeg, gthread and glib (requires some knowledge, especially for ffmpeg, but feasible)
- update SoundTouch (1.4 -> 1.8)
- possibility to link against stock SoundTouch (quite difficult: Debian SoundTouch is compiled with float samples, while the code here expects int16_t...)
- OSX compilation (should be straightforward, I'm just lacking the OS...)
- gtkspellmm inclusion