title | intro | redirect_from | versions | topics | ||||||||||||||||||||
Configuring notifications |
Choose the type of activity on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} that you want to receive notifications for and how you want these updates delivered. |
You can receive notifications for activity on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} in the following locations.
- The notifications inbox in the {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} web interface
- The notifications inbox on {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %}, which syncs with the inbox in the web interface
- An email client that uses a verified email address, which can also sync with the notifications inbox in the web interface and {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %}
{% data reusables.notifications-v2.notifications-inbox-required-setting %} For more information, see "Choosing your notification settings."
{% data reusables.notifications.shared_state %}
The notifications inbox includes triaging options designed specifically for your {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} notifications flow, including options to:
- Triage multiple notifications at once.
- Mark completed notifications as Done and remove them from your inbox. To view all of your notifications marked as Done, use the
query. - Save a notification to review later. Saved notifications are flagged in your inbox and kept indefinitely. To view all of your saved notifications, use the
query. - Unsubscribe and remove a notification from your inbox.
- Preview the issue{% ifversion team-discussions %}, pull request, or team discussion{% else %} or pull request{% endif %} where the notification originates on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} from within the notifications inbox.
- See one of the latest reasons you're receiving a notification from your inbox with a
label. - Create custom filters to focus on different notifications when you want.
- Group notifications in your inbox by repository or date to get a quick overview with less context switching.
In addition, you can receive and triage notifications on your mobile device with {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %}. For more information, see "Managing your notification settings with GitHub Mobile" or "AUTOTITLE."
One benefit of using an email client is that all of your notifications can be kept indefinitely depending on your email client's storage capacity. Your inbox notifications are only kept for 5 months on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} unless you've marked them as Saved. Saved notifications are kept indefinitely. For more information about your inbox's retention policy, see "AUTOTITLE."
Sending notifications to your email client also allows you to customize your inbox according to your email client's settings, which can include custom or color-coded labels.
Email notifications also allow flexibility with the types of notifications you receive and allow you to choose different email addresses for updates. For example, you can send certain notifications for a repository to a verified personal email address. For more information, about your email customization options, see "Customizing your email notifications."
When you watch a repository, you're subscribing to updates for activity in that repository. {% ifversion team-discussions %}Similarly, when you watch a specific team's discussions, you're subscribing to all conversation updates on that team's page. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."{% endif %}
To see repositories that you're watching, go to your watching page. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."
You can configure notifications for a repository on the repository page, or on your watching page.
You can customize notifications for a repository. For example, you can choose to only be notified when updates to one or more types of events ({% data reusables.notifications-v2.custom-notification-types %}) happen within a repository, or ignore all notifications for a repository. For more information, see "Configuring your watch settings for an individual repository" below.
Anytime you comment in a conversation or when someone @mentions your username, you are participating in a conversation. By default, you are automatically subscribed to a conversation when you participate in it. You can unsubscribe from a conversation you've participated in manually by clicking Unsubscribe on the issue or pull request or through the Unsubscribe option in the notifications inbox.
{% ifversion update-notification-settings-22 %}For conversations you're watching or participating in, you can choose whether you want to receive notifications on {% data variables.product.company_short %} or by email in your notification settings. For more information, see "Choosing your notification settings."
{% else %}
For conversations you're watching or participating in, you can choose whether you want to receive notifications by email or through the notifications inbox. For more information, see "Choosing your notification settings."
For example, on your "Notification settings" page:
- If you don't want notifications to be sent to your email, deselect email for participating and watching notifications.
- If you want to receive notifications by email when you've participated in a conversation, then select email under "Participating".
{% ifversion update-notification-settings-22 %}If you do not enable "Notify me: On GitHub" for watching or participating notifications, then your notifications inbox will not have any updates.
{% else %}
If you do not enable watching or participating notifications for web{% ifversion ghes %} and mobile{% endif %}, then your notifications inbox will not have any updates.{% endif %}
After enabling email notifications, {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} will send notifications to you as multipart emails that contain both HTML and plain text copies of the content. Email notification content includes any Markdown, @mentions, emojis, hash-links, and more, that appear in the original content on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}. If you only want to see the text in the email, you can configure your email client to display the plain text copy only.
{% data reusables.notifications.outbound_email_tip %}
{% data reusables.notifications.shared_state %}
{% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
If you're using Gmail, you can click a button beside the notification email to visit the original issue or pull request that generated the notification.
{% endif %}
Choose a default email address where you want to send updates for conversations you're participating in or watching. You can also specify which activity on {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} you want to receive updates for using your default email address. For example, choose whether you want updates sent to your default email from:
- Comments on issues and pull requests
- Pull request reviews
- Pull request pushes
- Your own updates, such as when you open, comment on, or close an issue or pull request
Depending on the organization that owns the repository, you can also send notifications to different email addresses. Your organization may require the email address to be verified for a specific domain. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."
You can also send notifications for a specific repository to an email address. For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."
{% data reusables.notifications-v2.email-notification-caveats %}
Each email notification that {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} sends contains header information. The header information in every email is consistent, so you can use it in your email client to filter or forward all {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} notifications, or certain types of {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} notifications.
If you believe you're receiving notifications that don't belong to you, examine the X-GitHub-Recipient
and X-GitHub-Recipient-Address
headers. These headers show who the intended recipient is. Depending on your email setup, you may receive notifications intended for another user.
Email notifications from {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %} contain header information.
Header | Information |
From address |
This address will always be {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}notifications@github.com {% else %}'the no-reply email address configured by your site administrator'{% endif %}. |
To field |
This field connects directly to the thread. If you reply to the email, you'll add a new comment to the conversation. |
Cc address |
{% data variables.product.product_name %} will Cc you if you're subscribed to a conversation. The second Cc email address matches the notification reason. The suffix for these notification reasons is {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}@noreply.github.com {% else %}based on the no-reply email address configured by your site administrator{% endif %}. The possible notification reasons are:
List-Id field |
This field identifies the name of the repository and its owner. The format of this address is always OWNER/REPOSITORY <REPOSITORY.OWNER> , e.g. List-Id: grain-lang/grain <grain.grain-lang.{% data variables.product.product_url %}> . |
X-GitHub-Severity field |
{% data reusables.repositories.security-alerts-x-github-severity %} The possible severity levels are:
{% data reusables.notifications.access_notifications %} {% data reusables.notifications-v2.manage-notifications %}
- On the notifications settings page, choose how you receive notifications when:
- There are updates in repositories {% ifversion team-discussions %}or team discussions{% endif %} you're watching or in a conversation you're participating in. For more information, see "About participating and watching notifications."
- You gain access to a new repository or you've joined a new team. For more information, see "Automatic watching."
- There are new {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_alerts %} in your repository. For more information, see "{% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_alerts %} notification options." {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}
- There are workflow runs updates on repositories set up with {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %}. For more information, see "{% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} notification options."{% endif %}
- There are new deploy keys added to repositories that belong to organizations that you're an owner of. For more information, see "Organization alerts notification options."
By default, anytime you gain access to a new repository, you will automatically begin watching that repository. Anytime you join a new team, you will automatically be subscribed to updates and receive notifications when that team is @mentioned. If you don't want to automatically be subscribed, you can unselect the automatic watching options in your notification settings.
{% ifversion update-notification-settings-22 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
If "Automatically watch repositories" is disabled, then you will not automatically watch your own repositories. You must navigate to your repository page and choose the watch option.
For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."
You can choose whether to watch or unwatch an individual repository. You can also choose to only be notified of certain event types such as {% data reusables.notifications-v2.custom-notification-types %} (if enabled for the repository), or completely ignore an individual repository.
{% data reusables.repositories.navigate-to-repo %}
In the upper-right corner, select the "Watch" drop-down menu, then click a watch option.
If you want to further customize notifications, click Custom, then select specific events that you want to be notified of, such as Issues or Pull Requests, in addition to participating and @mentions.
For example, if you select "Issues", you will be notified about, and subscribed to, updates on every issue (including those that existed prior to you selecting this option) in the repository. If you're @mentioned in a pull request in this repository, you'll receive notifications for that too, and you'll be subscribed to updates on that specific pull request, in addition to being notified about issues.
If you belong to an organization, you can choose the email account you want notifications for organization activity sent to. For example, if you belong to an organization for work, you may want your notifications sent to your work email address, rather than your personal address.
{% data reusables.notifications-v2.email-notification-caveats %}
{% data reusables.notifications.access_notifications %} {% data reusables.notifications-v2.manage-notifications %}
- Under "Default notifications email", select the email address you'd like notifications sent to. {% ifversion ghes %}
- Click Save.{% endif %}
If you are a member of more than one organization, you can configure each one to send notifications to any of{% ifversion fpt or ghec %} your verified email addresses{% else %} the email addresses for your account{% endif %}. {% ifversion fpt or ghec %} For more information, see "AUTOTITLE."{% endif %}
{% data reusables.notifications.access_notifications %} {% data reusables.notifications-v2.manage-notifications %} {% ifversion update-notification-settings-22 %}
Under "Default notifications email", click Custom routing.
Click Add new route.
Select the Pick organization dropdown, then click the organization you want to customize.
Select one of your verified email addresses, then click Save.
Under "Custom routing," find your organization's name in the list.
Click Edit next to the email address you want to change.
Select one of your verified email addresses, then click Save.
{% endif %}
The notification options for your user account are available at https://github.com/settings/notifications. You can configure notification settings for each repository, in the repository watch settings.
{% data reusables.notifications.vulnerable-dependency-notification-enable %} {% data reusables.notifications.vulnerable-dependency-notification-delivery-method-customization2 %} {% data reusables.notifications.vulnerable-dependency-notification-options %}
For more information about the notification delivery methods available to you, and advice on optimizing your notifications for {% data variables.product.prodname_dependabot_alerts %}, see "AUTOTITLE."
{% data reusables.secret-scanning.secret-scanning-configure-notifications %}
For more information on how to configure notifications for {% data variables.secret-scanning.alerts %}, see "Configuring notifications for secret scanning alerts."
{% ifversion update-notification-settings-22 or ghes %}
For repositories that are set up with {% data variables.product.prodname_actions %} and that you are watching, you can choose how you want to receive workflow run updates.
{% ifversion update-notification-settings-22 %}
On the "Notification settings" page, under "System", then under "Actions", select the Don't notify dropdown menu.
To opt into web notifications, from the dropdown menu, select "On {% data variables.product.prodname_dotcom %}".
To opt into email notifications, from the dropdown menu, select "Email".
Optionally, to only receive notifications for failed workflow runs, from the dropdown menu, select "Only notify for failed workflows", then click Save.{% endif %}
{% ifversion ghes %} On the "Notification settings" page, select "Email" or "Web" notifications. Optionally, to only receive notifications for failed workflow runs, select "Send notifications for failed workflows only".
{% endif %}
If you're an organization owner, you'll receive email notifications by default when organization members add new deploy keys to repositories within the organization. You can unsubscribe from these notifications. On the notification settings page, under "Organization alerts", deselect Email.
When you install {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %}, you will automatically be opted into web notifications. Within the app, you can enable push notifications for the following events.
- Direct mentions
- Assignments to issues or pull requests
- Requests to review a pull request
- Requests to approve a deployment
You can also schedule when {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %} will send push notifications to your mobile device.
{% data reusables.mobile.push-notifications-on-ghes %}
- In the bottom menu, tap Profile.
- To view your settings, tap {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Gear icon" %}.
- To update your notification settings, tap Notifications and then use the toggles to enable or disable your preferred types of push notifications.
- Optionally, to schedule when {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %} will send push notifications to your mobile device, tap Working Hours, use the Custom working hours toggle, and then choose when you would like to receive push notifications.
- In the bottom menu, tap Profile.
- To view your settings, tap {% octicon "gear" aria-label="The Gear icon" %}.
- To update your notification settings, tap Configure Notifications and then use the toggles to enable or disable your preferred types of push notifications.
- Optionally, to schedule when {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %} will send push notifications to your mobile device, tap Working Hours, use the Custom working hours toggle, and then choose when you would like to receive push notifications.
Configuring your watch settings for an individual repository with {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %}
You can choose whether to watch or unwatch an individual repository. You can also choose to only be notified of {% ifversion fpt or ghec %}certain event types such as issues, pull requests, discussions (if enabled for the repository) and {% endif %}new releases, or completely ignore an individual repository.
- On {% data variables.product.prodname_mobile %}, navigate to the main page of the repository.
- Tap Watch.
- To choose what activities you receive notifications for, tap your preferred watch settings. For example, choose to only be notified when you are participating or @mentioned, or use the "Custom" option to select specific events that you want to be notified of.