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JavaScript framework that produces PowerPoint (pptx) presentations

Quickly and easily produce PowerPoint presentations with a few simple JavaScript commands in client web browsers or Node desktop apps.

Main Features

  • Complete JavaScript framework: No client configuration, plug-ins, or other settings required
  • Works with all current desktop browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera et al.) and with IE11
  • Full Featured: Create Tables, Shapes, Images, Text and Media - plus use Master Slides
  • Presentation exports download to any modern browser as a normal PPTX file

Additional Features

This framework also includes a unique Table-to-Slides feature that will reproduce an HTML Table across one or more Slides with a single command.

Table of Contents (generated with DocToc)

Live Demo

Use JavaScript to Create a PowerPoint presentation with your web browser right now:



PptxGenJS requires only three additional JavaScript libraries to function.

<script lang="javascript" src="PptxGenJS/libs/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script lang="javascript" src="PptxGenJS/libs/jszip.min.js"></script>
<script lang="javascript" src="PptxGenJS/libs/filesaver.min.js"></script>
<script lang="javascript" src="PptxGenJS/dist/pptxgen.js"></script>


PptxGenJS NPM Homepage

npm install pptxgenjs

var pptx = require("pptxgenjs");

Optional Library Files

If you are planning on creating Shapes (basically anything other than Text, Tables or Rectangles), then you'll want to include the pptxgen.shapes.js library. It's a complete PowerPoint PPTX Shape object array thanks to the officegen project

<script lang="javascript" src="PptxGenJS/dist/pptxgen.shapes.js"></script>

Presentation Basics

PowerPoint Presentations are created via JavaScript by following 4 basic steps:

  1. Create the Presentation
  2. Add a new Slide
  3. Add objects (Images, Shapes, Text or Tables)
  4. Save the Presentation
var pptx = new PptxGenJS();
var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();
slide.addText('Hello World!', { x:1.5, y:1.5, font_size:18, color:'363636' });'Sample Presentation');

That's really all there is to it!

Library Reference

Creating Presentations

Client Browser:

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();


var pptx = require("pptxgenjs");

Presentation Options

Setting the Title:

pptx.setTitle('PptxGenJS Sample Presentation');

Setting the Layout (applies to all Slides in the Presentation):


Presentation Layouts

Layout Name Default Layout Slide Size
LAYOUT_16x9 Yes 10 x 5.625 inches
LAYOUT_16x10 No 10 x 6.25 inches
LAYOUT_4x3 No 10 x 7.5 inches
LAYOUT_WIDE No 13.3 x 7.5 inches
LAYOUT_USER No user defined - see below (inches)

Custom user defined Layout sizes are supported - just supply a name and the size in inches.

  • Defining a new Layout using an object will also set this new size as the current Presentation Layout
// Defines and sets this new layout for the Presentation
pptx.setLayout({ name:'A3', width:16.5, height:11.7 });

Creating Slides

Add a Slide to a Presentation

var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();

Slide Options

Applying Master Slides

var slide = pptx.addNewSlide(pptx.masters.TITLE_SLIDE);

Adding Slide Numbers

slide.slideNumber({ x:1.0, y:'90%' });

Slide Number Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches 0.3 horizontal location 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {x:'10%'} places number 10% from left edge)
y number inches 90% vertical location 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {y:'90%'} places number 90% down the Slide)

Adding Text

// Syntax
slide.addText('TEXT', {OPTIONS});
slide.addText('Line 1\nLine 2', {OPTIONS});
slide.addText([ {text:'TEXT', options:{OPTIONS}} ]);

// Examples
// EX: Format some text
slide.addText('Hello World!', { x:2, y:4, font_face:'Arial', font_size:42, color:'00CC00', bold:true, italic:true, underline:true } );
// EX: Multiline Text / Line Breaks - use either "\r" or "\n"
slide.addText('Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3', { x:2, y:3, color:'DDDD00', font_size:90 });
// EX: Format individual words or lines by passing an array of text objects with `text` and `options`
		{ text:'word-level', options:{ font_size:36, color:'99ABCC', align:'r', breakLine:true } },
		{ text:'formatting', options:{ font_size:48, color:'FFFF00', align:'c' } }
	{ x:0.5, y:4.1, w:8.5, h:2.0, fill:'F1F1F1' }

Text Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches 1.0 horizontal location 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {x:'50%'} will place object in the middle of the Slide)
y number inches 1.0 vertical location 0-n OR 'n%'.
w number inches width 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {w:'50%'} will make object 50% width of the Slide)
h number inches height 0-n OR 'n%'.
align string left alignment left or center or right
autoFit boolean false "Fit to Shape" true or false
bold boolean false bold text true or false
breakLine boolean false adds a line break true or false (only applies when used in text object options) Ex: {text:'hi', options:{breakLine:true}}
bullet boolean false bulleted text true or false
color string text color hex color code. Ex: { color:'0088CC' }
fill string fill/bkgd color hex color code. Ex: { color:'0088CC' }
font_face string font face Ex: 'Arial'
font_size number points font size 1-256. Ex: { font_size:12 }
inset number inches inset/padding 1-256. Ex: { inset:1.25 }
isTextBox boolean false PPT "Textbox" true or false
italic boolean false italic text true or false
margin number points margin 0-99 (ProTip: use the same value from CSS padding)
shadow object text shadow options see options below. ex: shadow:{ type:'outer' }
underline boolean false underline text true or false
valign string vertical alignment top or middle or bottom

Text Shadow Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
type string outer shadow type outer or inner
angle number degrees shadow angle 0-359. Ex: { angle:180 }
blur number points blur size 1-256. Ex: { blur:3 }
offset number points offset size 1-256. Ex: { offset:8 }
color string text color hex color code. Ex: { color:'0088CC' }
opacity number percent opacity 0-1 Ex: opacity:0.75

Text Examples

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();
var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();

// EX: Dynamic location using percentages
slide.addText('^ (50%/50%)', {x:'50%', y:'50%'});

// EX: Basic formatting
slide.addText('Hello',  { x:0.5, y:0.7, w:3, color:'0000FF', font_size:64 });
slide.addText('World!', { x:2.7, y:1.0, w:5, color:'DDDD00', font_size:90 });

// EX: More formatting options
	'Arial, 32pt, green, bold, underline, 0 inset',
	{ x:0.5, y:5.0, w:'90%', margin:0.5, font_face:'Arial', font_size:32, color:'00CC00', bold:true, underline:true, isTextBox:true }

// EX: Drop/Outer Shadow
	'Outer Shadow',
		x:0.5, y:6.0, font_size:36, color:'0088CC',
		shadow: {type:'outer', color:'696969', blur:3, offset:10, angle:45}

// EX: Formatting can be applied at the word/line level
// Provide an array of text objects with the formatting options for that `text` string value
// Line-breaks work as well
		{ text:'word-level\nformatting', options:{ font_size:36, font_face:'Courier New', color:'99ABCC', align:'r', breakLine:true } },
		{ text:' the same textbox', options:{ font_size:48, font_face:'Arial', color:'FFFF00', align:'c' } }
	{ x:0.5, y:4.1, w:8.5, h:2.0, margin:0.1, fill:'232323' }

Adding Tables


slide.addTable( [rows] );
slide.addTable( [rows], {any Layout/Formatting OPTIONS} );

Table Layout Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches 1.0 horizontal location 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {x:'50%'} will place object in the middle of the Slide)
y number inches 1.0 vertical location 0-n OR 'n%'.
w number inches width 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {w:'50%'} will make object 50% width of the Slide)
h number inches height 0-n OR 'n%'.
colW integer inches width for every column Ex: Width for every column in table (uniform) 2.0
colW array inches column widths in order Ex: Width for each of 5 columns [1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0]
rowH integer inches height for every row Ex: Height for every row in table (uniform) 2.0
rowH array inches row heights in order Ex: Height for each of 5 rows [1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0]

Table Formatting Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
align string left alignment left or center or right (or l c r)
bold boolean false bold text true or false
border object cell border object with pt and color values. Ex: {pt:'1', color:'f1f1f1'}
border array cell border array of objects with pt and color values in TRBL order.
color string text color hex color code. Ex: {color:'0088CC'}
colspan integer column span 2-n. Ex: {colspan:2}
fill string fill/bkgd color hex color code. Ex: {color:'0088CC'}
font_face string font face Ex: 'Arial'
font_size number points font size 1-256. Ex: {font_size:12}
italic boolean false italic text true or false
margin number points margin 0-99 (ProTip: use the same value from CSS padding)
margin array points margin array of integer values in TRBL order. Ex: margin:[5,10,5,10]
rowspan integer row span 2-n. Ex: {rowspan:2}
underline boolean false underline text true or false
valign string vertical alignment top or middle or bottom (or t m b)

Table Cell Formatting

  • Formatting Options passed to slide.addTable() apply to every cell in the table
  • You can selectively override formatting on a per-cell basis by including any Formatting Option in the row cell itself

Table Cell Formatting Examples

var rows = [];
// These cells will be formatted according to any options provided to addTable()
rows.push( ['First', 'Second', 'Third'] );
// Any formatting options provided by cells will be applied - overriding table options (if any)
    { text:'1st', opts:{color:'ff0000'} },
    { text:'2nd', opts:{color:'00ff00'} },
    { text:'3rd', opts:{color:'0000ff'} }

Table Examples

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();
var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();
slide.addText('Demo-03: Table', { x:0.5, y:0.25, font_size:18, font_face:'Arial', color:'0088CC' });

// TABLE 1: Single-row table
// --------
var rows = [ 'Cell 1', 'Cell 2', 'Cell 3' ];
var tabOpts = { x:0.5, y:1.0, w:9.0, fill:'F7F7F7', font_size:14, color:'363636' };
slide.addTable( rows, tabOpts );

// TABLE 2: Multi-row table (each rows array element is an array of cells)
// --------
var rows = [
    ['A1', 'B1', 'C1'],
    ['A2', 'B2', 'C2']
var tabOpts = { x:0.5, y:2.0, w:9.0, fill:'F7F7F7', font_size:18, color:'6f9fc9' };
slide.addTable( rows, tabOpts );

// TABLE 3: Formatting at a cell level - use this to selectively override table's cell options
// --------
var rows = [
        { text:'Top Lft', opts:{ valign:'t', align:'l', font_face:'Arial'   } },
        { text:'Top Ctr', opts:{ valign:'t', align:'c', font_face:'Verdana' } },
        { text:'Top Rgt', opts:{ valign:'t', align:'r', font_face:'Courier' } }
var tabOpts = { x:0.5, y:4.5, w:9.0, fill:'F7F7F7', font_size:18, color:'6f9fc9', rowH:0.6, valign:'m'} };
slide.addTable( rows, tabOpts );

// Multiline Text / Line Breaks - use either "\r" or "\n"
slide.addTable( ['Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3'], { x:2, y:3, w:4 });'Demo-Tables');

Adding Shapes

Syntax (no text):

slide.addShape({SHAPE}, {OPTIONS});

Syntax (with text):

slide.addText("some string", {SHAPE, OPTIONS});

Check the pptxgen.shapes.js file for a complete list of the hundreds of PowerPoint shapes available.

Shape Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches 1.0 horizontal location 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {x:'50%'} will place object in the middle of the Slide)
y number inches 1.0 vertical location 0-n OR 'n%'.
w number inches width 0-n OR 'n%'. (Ex: {w:'50%'} will make object 50% width of the Slide)
h number inches height 0-n OR 'n%'.
align string left alignment left or center or right
fill string fill/bkgd color hex color code. Ex: {color:'0088CC'}
fill object fill/bkgd color object with type, color and optional alpha keys. Ex: fill:{type:'solid', color:'0088CC', alpha:25}
flipH boolean flip Horizontal true or false
flipV boolean flip Vertical true or false
line string border line color hex color code. Ex: {line:'0088CC'}
line_head string border line ending arrow, diamond, oval, stealth, triangle or none
line_size number points border line size 1-256. Ex: {line_size:4}
line_tail string border line heading arrow, diamond, oval, stealth, triangle or none
rotate integer degrees rotation degrees 0-360. Ex: {rotate:180}

Shape Examples

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();

var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();

// Misc Shapes
slide.addShape(pptx.shapes.LINE,      { x:4.15, y:4.40, w:5, h:0, line:'FF0000', line_size:1 });
slide.addShape(pptx.shapes.LINE,      { x:4.15, y:4.80, w:5, h:0, line:'FF0000', line_size:2, line_head:'triangle' });
slide.addShape(pptx.shapes.LINE,      { x:4.15, y:5.20, w:5, h:0, line:'FF0000', line_size:3, line_tail:'triangle' });
slide.addShape(pptx.shapes.LINE,      { x:4.15, y:5.60, w:5, h:0, line:'FF0000', line_size:4, line_head:'triangle', line_tail:'triangle' });
slide.addShape(pptx.shapes.RECTANGLE, { x:0.50, y:0.75, w:5, h:3, fill:'FF0000' });
slide.addShape(pptx.shapes.OVAL,      { x:4.15, y:0.75, w:5, h:2, fill:{ type:'solid', color:'0088CC', alpha:25 } });

// Adding text to Shapes:
slide.addText('RIGHT-TRIANGLE', { shape:pptx.shapes.RIGHT_TRIANGLE, align:'c', x:0.40, y:4.3, w:6, h:3, fill:'0088CC', line:'000000', line_size:3 });
slide.addText('RIGHT-TRIANGLE', { shape:pptx.shapes.RIGHT_TRIANGLE, align:'c', x:7.00, y:4.3, w:6, h:3, fill:'0088CC', line:'000000', flipH:true });'Demo-Shapes');

Adding Images



Animated GIFs can be included in Presentations in one of two ways:

  • Using Node.js: use either data or path options (Node can encode any image into base64)
  • Client Browsers: pre-encode the gif and add it using the data option (encoding images into GIFs is beyond any current browser)

Image Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches 1.0 horizontal location 0-n
y number inches 1.0 vertical location 0-n
w number inches 1.0 width 0-n
h number inches 1.0 height 0-n
data string image data (base64) base64-encoded image string. (either data or path is required)
path string image path Same as used in an (img src="") tag. (either data or path is required)

Deprecation Warning Old positional parameters (e.g.: slide.addImage('images/chart.png', 1, 1, 6, 3)) are now deprecated as of 1.1.0

Image Examples

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();
var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();

// Image by path
slide.addImage({ path:'images/chart_world_peace_near.png', x:1.0, y:1.0, w:8.0, h:4.0 });
// Image by data (base64-encoding)
slide.addImage({ data:'image/png;base64,iVtDafDrBF[...]=', x:3.0, y:5.0, w:6.0, h:3.0 });

// NOTE: Slide API calls return the same slide, so you can chain calls:
slide.addImage({ path:'images/cc_license_comp_chart.png', x:6.6, y:0.75, w:6.30, h:3.70 })
     .addImage({ path:'images/cc_logo.jpg',               x:0.5, y:3.50, w:5.00, h:3.70 })
     .addImage({ path:'images/cc_symbols_trans.png',      x:6.6, y:4.80, w:6.30, h:2.30 });'Demo-Images');

Adding Media (Audio/Video/YouTube)



Both Video (mpg, mov, mp4, m4v, etc.) and Audio (mp3, wav, etc.) are supported (list of supported formats)

  • Using Node.js: use either data or path options (Node can encode any media into base64)
  • Client Browsers: pre-encode the media and add it using the data option (encoding video/audio is beyond any current browser)

Online video (YouTube embeds, etc.) is supported in both client browser and in Node.js

Media Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches 1.0 horizontal location 0-n
y number inches 1.0 vertical location 0-n
w number inches 1.0 width 0-n
h number inches 1.0 height 0-n
data string media data (base64) base64-encoded string
path string media path relative path to media file
link string online url/link link to online video. Ex: link:''
type string media type media type: audio or video (reqs: data or path) or online (reqs:link)

Media Examples

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();
var slide = pptx.addNewSlide();

// Media by path (Node.js only)
slide.addMedia({ type:'audio', path:'../media/sample.mp3', x:1.0, y:1.0, w:3.0, h:0.5 });
// Media by data (client browser or Node.js)
slide.addMedia({ type:'audio', data:'audio/mp3;base64,iVtDafDrBF[...]=', x:3.0, y:1.0, w:6.0, h:3.0 });
// Online by link (client browser or Node.js)
slide.addMedia({ type:'online', link:'', x:1.0, y:4.0, w:8.0, h:4.5 });'Demo-Media');

Saving Presentations

Client Browser:

  • Simply provide a filename'Demo-Media');


  • Node can accept a callback function that will return the filename
// A: File will be saved to the local working directory (`__dirname`)'Node_Demo');
// B: Inline callback function'Node_Demo', function(filename){ console.log('Created: '+filename); } );
// C: Predefined callback function'Node_Demo', saveCallback );

Master Slides and Corporate Branding

Slide Masters

Generating sample slides like those shown above is great for demonstrating library features, but the reality is most of us will be required to produce presentations that have a certain design or corporate branding.

PptxGenJS allows you to define Master Slides via objects that can then be used to provide branding functionality.

Slide Masters are defined using the same object style used in Slides. Add these objects as a variable to a file that is included in the script src tags on your page, then reference them by name in your code.
E.g.: <script lang="javascript" src="pptxgenjs.masters.js"></script>

Slide Master Examples

pptxgenjs.masters.js contents:

var gObjPptxMasters = {
    title:  'Slide master',
    margin: [ 0.5, 0.25, 1.0, 0.25 ],
    bkgd:   'FFFFFF',
    images: [ { path:'images/logo_square.png', x:9.3, y:4.9, w:0.5, h:0.5 } ],
    shapes: [
      { type:'text', text:'ACME - Confidential', x:0, y:5.17, w:'100%', h:0.3, align:'center', valign:'top', color:'7F7F7F', font_size:8, bold:true },
      { type:'line', x:0.3, y:3.85, w:5.7, h:0.0, line:'007AAA' },
      { type:'rectangle', x:0, y:0, w:'100%', h:.65, w:5, h:3.2, fill:'003b75' }
    slideNumber: { x:0.3, y:'90%' }
    title:  'I am the Title Slide',
    bkgd:   { data:'image/png;base64,R0lGONlhotPQBMAPyoAPosR[...]+0pEZbEhAAOw==' },
    images: [ { x:'7.4', y:'4.1', w:'2', h:'1', data:'image/png;base64,R0lGODlhPQBEAPeoAJosM[...]+0pCZbEhAAOw==' } ]

Every object added to the global master slide variable gObjPptxMasters can then be referenced by their key names that you created (e.g.: "TITLE_SLIDE").

TIP: Pre-encode your images (base64) and add the string as the optional data key/val (see the TITLE_SLIDE.images object above)

var pptx = new PptxGenJS();

var slide1 = pptx.addNewSlide( pptx.masters.TITLE_SLIDE );
slide1.addText('How To Create PowerPoint Presentations with JavaScript', { x:0.5, y:0.7, font_size:18 });
// NOTE: Base master slide properties can be overridden on a selective basis:
// Here we can set a new background color or image on-the-fly
var slide2 = pptx.addNewSlide( pptx.masters.MASTER_SLIDE, { bkgd:'0088CC' } );
var slide3 = pptx.addNewSlide( pptx.masters.MASTER_SLIDE, { bkgd:{ path:'images/title_bkgd.jpg' } } );
var slide4 = pptx.addNewSlide( pptx.masters.MASTER_SLIDE, { bkgd:{ data:'image/png;base64,tFfInmP[...]=' } } );;

Slide Master Object Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
bkgd string ffffff color hex color code. Ex: { bkgd:'0088CC' }
bkgd object image object with path OR data. Ex: {path:'img/bkgd.png'} OR {data:'image/png;base64,iVBORwTwB[...]='}
images array image(s) object array of path OR data. Ex: {path:'img/logo.png'} OR {data:'image/png;base64,tFfInmP[...]'}
slideNumber object Show slide numbers ex: { x:1.0, y:'50%' } x and y can be either inches or percent
margin number inches 1.0 Slide margins 0.0 through Slide.width
margin array Slide margins array of numbers in TRBL order. Ex: [0.5, 0.75, 0.5, 0.75]
shapes array shape(s) array of shape objects. Ex: (see Shape section)
title string Slide title some title

Sample Slide Master File

A sample masters file is included in the distribution folder and contain a couple of different slides to get you started.
Location: PptxGenJS/dist/pptxgen.masters.js

Table-to-Slides Feature

  • With the unique addSlidesForTable() function, you can reproduce an HTML table - background colors, borders, fonts, padding, etc. - with a single line of code.
  • The function will detect margins (based on Master Slide layout or parameters) and will create Slides as needed
  • All you have to do is pass the table element ID to addSlidesForTable() and you're done!
  • NOTE: Nested tables are not supported in PowerPoint

Table-to-Slides Options

Option Type Unit Default Description Possible Values
x number inches horizontal location 0-n
y number inches vertical location 0-n
w number inches width 0-n
h number inches height 0-n


  • Default margins are 0.5 inches, table will take up all remaining space by default
  • Use a Master Slide with pre-defined margins to over-ride defaults

Table-to-Slides Example

// STEP 1: Instantiate new PptxGenJS instance
var pptx = new PptxGenJS();

// STEP 2: Set slide size/layout

// STEP 3: Pass table element ID to addSlidesForTable function to produce 1-N slides

// STEP 4: Export Presentation'Table2SlidesDemo');

Master Pages and Branding

Do you need to have the generated slides use a Slide Master or corporate branding?
Just pass the Slide Master name to use (you can also add shapes/text on-the-fly as well).

Override Slide Master Settings

The Master Slide background color/image can be selectively overridden on a per-slide basis when needed, so it's easy to handle exceptions where users want things like the first slide to have a white background, etc.

var slide1 = pptx.addNewSlide( pptx.masters.MASTER_SLIDE, { bkgd:'0088CC'} );

One-Line Presentation Exports

Your Slide Master should already contain slide layout, size & margins. Meaning, the code to produce professional looking slides is so small that you can just inline it into a button and place next to any table on your site:

<input type="button" value="Export to PPTX" onclick="{ var pptx = new PptxGenJS(); pptx.addSlidesForTable('tableId',{ master:pptx.masters.MASTER_SLIDE });; }">

Easy SharePoint Integration

Placing a button like this into a WebPart is a great way to add "Export to PowerPoint" functionality to SharePoint. (You'd also need to add the 4 <script> includes in the same or another WebPart)

Performance Considerations

It takes CPU time to read and encode images! The more images you include and the larger they are, the more time will be consumed. The time needed to read/encode images can be completely eliminated by pre-encoding any images (see below).

Pre-Encode Large Images

Pre-encode images into a base64 string (eg: 'image/png;base64,iVBORw[...]=') for use as the data option value. This will both reduce dependencies (who needs another image asset to keep track of?) and provide a performance boost (no time will need to be consumed reading and encoding the image).

Issues / Suggestions

Please file issues or suggestions on the issues page on github, or even better, submit a pull request. Feedback is always welcome!

When reporting issues, please include a code snippet or a link demonstrating the problem. Here is a small jsFiddle that is already configured and uses the latest PptxGenJS code.

Development Roadmap

Version 2.0 will be released later in 2017 and will drop support for IE11 as we move to adopt more JavaScript ES6 features and remove many instances of jQuery utility functions.

Special Thanks

  • Officegen Project - For the Shape definitions and XML code
  • Dzmitry Dulko - For getting the project published on NPM
  • Everyone who has submitted a Issue or a Pull Request. :-)


Copyright © 2015-2017 Brent Ely