Imgui code exchanges for convenience at IGS
- windows, mingw gcc 5.1.0 - cmake/ninja, imgui 1.49
- ubuntu, gcc 5.4 - cmake/ninja, imgui 1.50
- similar to the standard windows file-io
- additional recent file drop down
- additional subdirectory buttons (linux style)
- snippet example - save:
if( window_fileIO_visible )
string save_file;
if( fileIOWindow( save_file, window_recent_files, "Save", {"*.usr", "*.*"} ) )
window_fileIO_visible = false;
if( !save_file.empty() )
window_recent_files.push_back( save_file );
ofstream out_file; save_file, ios_base::trunc );
writeStuffToFile( out_file );
- snippet example - open:
if( window_fileIO_visible )
string open_file;
if( fileIOWindow( open_file, window_recent_files, "Open", {"*.usr", "*.*"}, true ) )
window_fileIO_visible = false;
if( !open_file.empty() )
window_recent_files.push_back( open_file );
readStuffFromFile( open_file );
- text
- close button
- animated IGS logo
- snippet example:
if( about_window_visible &&
"My fancy tools\n"
"Abla bli blub ....\n",
ImVec2( 400, 155 ),
time ) )
about_window_visible = false;
- Overall Time
- Framecounter
- Frames per Second (current, min, avg, max)
- Frametime (current, min, avg, max)
- Frames per Second Plot over time
- Frametime histogram
- snippet example:
static FrameClock clock;
- Setup next window size and position according to a grid layout
- Controlable grid divisions
- Setup by pair of top-left and bottom-right grid coordinates with 4-letter string encoded mode
- e.g. "ltlt" -> cell nr. left, top, left, top
- e.g. "blbr" -> cell nr. bottom, left, bottom, right
- snippet example:
GridLayout layout(
ImVec2( window_size.x, window_size.y ), // window size in pixels
ImVec2( 10, 10 ), // grid divisions of 10 in x and y direction (default 10, 10)
20 ); // height of a menu in pixel (default (20))
/* ... */
// call layout function before creating the next window
layout.placeNextWindow( ImVec2(0,0), ImVec2(2,2), "ltlb" );
ImGui::Begin("Control"); /* ... */ ImGui::End();
// meaning:
// - left-top corner of window at cell 0,0
// counted from left and top
// - right-bottom corner of window at cell 2,2
// counted from left and bottom
layout.placeNextWindow( ImVec2(5,2), ImVec2(0,0), "lbrb" );
ImGui::Begin("Error"); /* ... */ ImGui::End();
layout.placeNextWindow( ImVec2(2,0), ImVec2(0,2), "ltrt" );
ImGui::Begin("MSSF-" ICON_FA_PICTURE_O ); /* ... */ ImGui::End();
layout.placeNextWindow( ImVec2(3,2), ImVec2(0,2),"rtrb" );
Begin( "MSSF-" ICON_FA_LINE_CHART ); /* ... */ ImGui::End();
layout.placeNextWindow( ImVec2(0,2), ImVec2(5,0), "lblb" );
Begin("AutoIntegrationGraphs"); /* ... */ ImGui::End();