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An advanced scraper. Collect property name, review score, property price and property address . Download property images and relevant url.


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An advanced crawler for extracting hotels data from The bot is powered by Selenium webdriver and purely written in python. The primary intended audience is anyone interest in data mining or web scraping and would want to scrape hotel data from website. if that's you; go ahead clone this repo or fork it. For audience who are new to programming I have worked so hard to make sure that the crawler works for you. However, there are few things you need to do on your own, Your need to setting up environmental variables for the webdriver. The webdriver is like an engine that controls the crawler behaior.

Summary is an online travel agency for lodging reservations & other travel products. The booking.com_crawler is an web scraping bot that crawls the website to extract hotel data. The crawler is designed to automatically generate date range and therefore the end-user is required to entered relevant data in a csv file found in a folder named.


Bot Features

  Web automation
  Data conversion - get in csv format or json format.
  Proxy - still working on this functionality.

Data Features

The bot returns the following data features saved in csv file.

  City Name 
  Hotel Name 
  Hotel Price 
  Hotel Type
  Hotel Score

Getting Started

To get started using booking.com_crawler follow the following instructions.


Two ways to intall the project.

  1. Clone repository.

         git clone
  2. Download the project files.

         Save the files on your computer. 

Once you have it installed, open code editor/terminal/command line of your choice and navigate to the folder where you saved the project files.

Activate Virtual Environment

To activate virtual environment run the following script in command line. Please refer here Python Virtual Environment on how to activate venv in your machine.

For windows powershell :

        my_bot\project_folder_dir> venv\Scripts\activate.ps1 

Now install the dependencies using the requirements.txt file.

        my_bot\project_folder_dir> pip -r requirements.txt


In order for this project to work in your computer; You need to have a selenium and python installed in your computer. I assume if you are interested in this project,you already know the basics of python and you have python installed.

For window users: Open windows terminal and open project directory.

pip install selenium


Selenium requires a driver to interface with the chosen browser. Firefox, for example, requires geckodriver, which needs to be installed before the below examples can be run. Make sure it’s in your PATH, e. g., place it in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

Read more about webdrivers here Selenium Installation and Selenium Official documentation

Downloading WebDriver

This project uses chromedriver. I understand that you're using a different browser;

Here are download links for most popular browsers.





Once you download your prefered driver; You can either save the .exe file in your project folder or you can save it somewhere in the your computer and provide the path. I recommend you save it in a different folder within the project folder or somewhere in your computer and use system path methods to access it.

Quick Guide

client_input folder

The first thing you would want to do is to set your variables. These will set the foundation on what the bot should do in terms which city to enter in search box, generating date ranges etc. Open client_input/destination_param.csv file and fill the data for the following required variables.

  place - Where you want to go, prefered to enter a city name. 
  start_month - lays the foundation on where to start the checkin dates and updates the checkout. 
  start_year - the start year.  
  duration - How long is your stay. The duration helps the bot to generate date ranges starting from next_month and set checkin and checkout dates. 
  adults - Number of adult,
  rooms - number 0f rooms

run the bot

To run the bot you simply type


The bot you automatically open your in chrome browser window.

Event Loops

The bot remains live until all event loops are completed.

In the current version, there are three event loops:

  • The first event loop is for collecting the data from the csv file. The length of the list will be used to determine how many times the loop will run.

  • The second event loop is for searching for the hotels. The length depend on the number of dates generated.

  • The third event loop is for parsing the data from each deal box and following the next page link. The range is determined by calculating the number of properties found divide by number of properties per page.

  • Example:

    • in*
  •     with Booking() as bot:
              # loop through each params given by user in csv file then call the get_user_data_from_csv function
              # a wrapper loop will be used to call the get_user_data_from_csv function
             First event loop
             for _, data in enumerate(helpers.get_csv_data("./client_input/destination_param.csv")):
                      GIVEN_DATE = something 
                       the second event loop
                       for i, date in enumerate(GIVEN_DATE):
                            The third loop is called when bot.report_results method is called. 
                            for i in range(math.ceil(count / 25)):


An advanced scraper. Collect property name, review score, property price and property address . Download property images and relevant url.




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