This directory contains documents written by CockroachDB contributors for other CockroachDB contributors. These documents are aimed to ease onboarding and capture organizational knowledge.
Technical notes differ from RFCs in that they describe the state of the project as it currently is, not the way we wish it to be.
The codebase also contains a gold mine of large code comments that provide a deeper conceptual dive into some aspect of the codebase. Below is a list of links to some of these comments. Note that these link to stable commits, so if the link looks stale, please update it!
- Cockroach Versioning
- The SQL Optmizer
- The Keyspace
- On Stores, Ranges, and Replicas
- Hybrid Logical Clocks
Standard disclaimer: each document contains parts from one or more author. Each part was authored to reflect its author's perspective on the project at the time it was written. This understanding is necessarily subjective: its context is both the state of the project and the authors', and their reviewers', experience around that particular date. In case of doubt, consult your local historian and your repository's timeline.
Of course, updates and corrections are welcome at any time.