An example with all three components is here (source)
Palm up to show the tp line. Pinch to confirm the location.
<a-entity id="left-hand" hand-tracking-controls="hand: left"
hand-tracking-extras hand-teleport="rig: #rig; origin: a-camera">
Attribute | Description | Default |
rig | camera and hands rig | |
origin | teleport origin | camera |
fadeSphereRadius | fadein-fadeout sphere radius | 0.1 |
fadeDuration | fadein and fadeout duration | 200 [ms] |
Pinch in front of your face and drag, to rotate the rig.
<a-entity hand-tracking-controls="hand: right" hand-tracking-extras drag-rotate="rig: #rig"></a-entity>
Attribute | Description | Default |
rig | camera and hands rig | |
fingerToHMDHeight | ( index finger ).y - ( HMD ).y acceptable difference | 0.15 |
fingerToHMDDistance | How far can the finger be from the HMD | 0.6 |
Name | Description |
dragstart | Emitted when the user started to drag the rig |
dragstop | Emitted when the dragging has ended |
Move around by pinching and moving your hand
<a-entity hand-tracking-controls="hand: right" hand-tracking-extras drag-move="rig: #rig"></a-entity>
Attribute | Description | Default |
rig | camera and hands rig | |
speed | How fast should the rig move around. The example is set to 5 | 1 |
Fusing cursor directed at where you point your index finger
<a-entity id="rightHand" hand-tracking-controls="hand: right;" hand-tracking-extras>
<a-entity finger-cursor raycaster="objects: .interactable"></a-entity>
Attribute | Description | Default |
lineLength | How long should be the line when not intersecting | 5 |
pointThreshold | value between <0,1>. 0 - bent finger, 1 - straight finger | 0.95 |
!! Requires a rig for the camera and hands !!
<a-entity id="rig">
<a-entity id="left-hand" hand-tracking-controls="hand: left"
hand-tracking-extras hand-teleport="rig: #rig; origin: a-camera"></a-entity>
<a-entity id="right-hand" hand-tracking-controls="hand: right"
hand-tracking-extras world-drag="rig: #rig"></a-entity>