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Node.js Core Test Common Modules

This directory contains modules used to test the Node.js implementation.

Table of Contents

Benchmark Module

The benchmark module is used by tests to run benchmarks.

runBenchmark(name, args, env)

  • name <String> Name of benchmark suite to be run.
  • args <Array> Array of environment variable key/value pairs (ex: n=1) to be applied via --set.
  • env <Object> Environment variables to be applied during the run.

Common Module API

The common module is used by tests for consistency across repeated tasks.


Takes whitelist and concats that with predefined knownGlobals.


A stream to push an array into a REPL


Blocks for time amount of time.


API to indicate whether the current running process can create symlinks. On Windows, this returns false if the process running doesn't have privileges to create symlinks (specifically SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege). On non-Windows platforms, this currently returns true.


Installs a process.on('unhandledRejection') handler that crashes the process after a tick. This is useful for tests that use Promises and need to make sure no unexpected rejections occur, because currently they result in silent failures.

ddCommand(filename, kilobytes)

Platform normalizes the dd command


Check if there is more than 1gb of total memory.

expectsError([fn, ]settings[, exact])

  • fn <Function> a function that should throw.

  • settings <Object> that must contain the code property plus any of the other following properties (some properties only apply for AssertionError):

    • code <String> expected error must have this value for its code property.
    • type <Function> expected error must be an instance of type and must be an Error subclass.
    • message <String> or <RegExp> if a string is provided for message, expected error must have it for its message property; if a regular expression is provided for message, the regular expression must match the message property of the expected error.
    • name <String> expected error must have this value for its name property.
    • generatedMessage <String> (AssertionError only) expected error must have this value for its generatedMessage property.
    • actual <any> (AssertionError only) expected error must have this value for its actual property.
    • expected <any> (AssertionError only) expected error must have this value for its expected property.
    • operator <any> (AssertionError only) expected error must have this value for its operator property.
  • exact <Number> default = 1

  • return <Function>

    If fn is provided, it will be passed to assert.throws as first argument and undefined will be returned. Otherwise a function suitable as callback or for use as a validation function passed as the second argument to assert.throws() will be returned. If the returned function has not been called exactly exact number of times when the test is complete, then the test will fail.

expectWarning(name, expected)

Tests whether name and expected are part of a raised warning.


Checks if pathname exists

fires(promise, [error], [timeoutMs])

  • promise [<Promise]
  • error [<String] default = 'timeout'
  • timeoutMs [<Number] default = 100

Returns a new promise that will propagate promise resolution or rejection if that happens within the timeoutMs timespan, or rejects with error as a reason otherwise.


Path to the 'fixtures' directory.


Returns an instance of all possible ArrayBufferViews of the provided Buffer.


Turn this off if the test should not check for global leaks.


Checks for 'openssl'.


Checks hasCrypto and crypto with fips.


Checks if internationalization is supported.


Checks hasIntl and small-icu is supported.


Checks whether IPv6 is supported on this platform.


Checks if there are multiple localhosts available.


  • listener <Function>: a listener with a single parameter called data.

Eavesdrop to process.stderr.write calls. Once process.stderr.write is called, listener will also be called and the data of write function will be passed to listener. What's more, process.stderr.writeTimes is a count of the number of calls.


  • listener <Function>: a listener with a single parameter called data.

Eavesdrop to process.stdout.write calls. Once process.stdout.write is called, listener will also be called and the data of write function will be passed to listener. What's more, process.stdout.writeTimes is a count of the number of calls.


Checks whether free BSD Jail is true or false.


Platform check for Advanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX).


Attempts to 'kill' pid


Platform check for Free BSD.


Platform check for Linux.


Platform check for Linux on PowerPC.


Platform check for macOS.


Platform check for SunOS.


Platform check for Windows.


Platform check for Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit.


Checks whether any globals are not on the knownGlobals list.


Gets IP of localhost


Array of IPV6 hosts.

mustCall([fn][, exact])

Returns a function that calls fn. If the returned function has not been called exactly exact number of times when the test is complete, then the test will fail.

If fn is not provided, an empty function will be used.

mustCallAtLeast([fn][, minimum])

Returns a function that calls fn. If the returned function has not been called at least minimum number of times when the test is complete, then the test will fail.

If fn is not provided, an empty function will be used.


Returns a function that triggers an AssertionError if it is invoked. msg is used as the error message for the AssertionError.

nodeProcessAborted(exitCode, signal)

Returns true if the exit code exitCode and/or signal name signal represent the exit code and/or signal name of a node process that aborted, false otherwise.


Checks whether 'opensslCli' is supported.


Platform normalizes timeout.


Path to the test sock.


Port tests are running on.


Logs '1..0 # Skipped: ' + msg


Deletes the testing 'tmp' directory and recreates it.


Restore the original process.stderr.write. Used to restore stderr to its original state after calling common.hijackStdErr().


Restore the original process.stdout.write. Used to restore stdout to its original state after calling common.hijackStdOut().


Path to the 'root' directory. either / or c:\\ (windows)


Path to the project directory.


Logs '1..0 # Skipped: ' + msg and exits with exit code 0.


Skip the rest of the tests in the current file when the Inspector was disabled at compile time.


Skip the rest of the tests in the current file when the Node.js executable was compiled with a pointer size smaller than 64 bits.


Platform normalizes the pwd command.


Synchronous version of spawnPwd.


The realpath of the 'tmp' directory.


Name of the temp directory used by tests.

Countdown Module

The Countdown module provides a simple countdown mechanism for tests that require a particular action to be taken after a given number of completed tasks (for instance, shutting down an HTTP server after a specific number of requests).

const Countdown = require('../common/countdown');

function doSomething() {

const countdown = new Countdown(2, doSomething);

new Countdown(limit, callback)

  • limit {number}
  • callback {function}

Creates a new Countdown instance.


Decrements the Countdown counter.


Specifies the remaining number of times Countdown.prototype.dec() must be called before the callback is invoked.

DNS Module

The DNS module provides a naïve DNS parser/serializer.

readDomainFromPacket(buffer, offset)

Reads the domain string from a packet and returns an object containing the number of bytes read and the domain.


Parses a DNS packet. Returns an object with the values of the various flags of the packet depending on the type of packet.


Reads an IPv6 String and returns a Buffer containing the parts.


Reads a Domain String and returns a Buffer containing the domain.


Takes in a parsed Object and writes its fields to a DNS packet as a Buffer object.

Duplex pair helper

The common/duplexpair module exports a single function makeDuplexPair, which returns an object { clientSide, serverSide } where each side is a Duplex stream connected to the other side.

There is no difference between client or server side beyond their names.

Fixtures Module

The common/fixtures module provides convenience methods for working with files in the test/fixtures directory.


The absolute path to the test/fixtures/ directory.


Returns the result of path.join(fixtures.fixturesDir, ...args).

fixtures.readSync(args[, enc])

Returns the result of fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures.fixturesDir, ...args), 'enc').

fixtures.readKey(arg[, enc])

Returns the result of fs.readFileSync(path.join(fixtures.fixturesDir, 'keys', arg), 'enc').

Internet Module

The common/internet module provides utilities for working with internet-related tests.


  • <Object>
    • INET_HOST <String> A generic host that has registered common DNS records, supports both IPv4 and IPv6, and provides basic HTTP/HTTPS services
    • INET4_HOST <String> A host that provides IPv4 services
    • INET6_HOST <String> A host that provides IPv6 services
    • INET4_IP <String> An accessible IPv4 IP, defaults to the Google Public DNS IPv4 address
    • INET6_IP <String> An accessible IPv6 IP, defaults to the Google Public DNS IPv6 address
    • INVALID_HOST <String> An invalid host that cannot be resolved
    • MX_HOST <String> A host with MX records registered
    • SRV_HOST <String> A host with SRV records registered
    • PTR_HOST <String> A host with PTR records registered
    • NAPTR_HOST <String> A host with NAPTR records registered
    • SOA_HOST <String> A host with SOA records registered
    • CNAME_HOST <String> A host with CNAME records registered
    • NS_HOST <String> A host with NS records registered
    • TXT_HOST <String> A host with TXT records registered
    • DNS4_SERVER <String> An accessible IPv4 DNS server
    • DNS6_SERVER <String> An accessible IPv6 DNS server

A set of addresses for internet-related tests. All properties are configurable via NODE_TEST_* environment variables. For example, to configure internet.addresses.INET_HOST, set the environment vairable NODE_TEST_INET_HOST to a specified host.

WPT Module

The wpt.js module is a port of parts of W3C testharness.js for testing the Node.js WHATWG URL API implementation with tests from W3C Web Platform Tests.