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OliverNikolai edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 11 revisions

GetYourGuide Partner API OpenAPI Specifications

This GetYourGuide Partner API provides access to GetYourGuide’s marketplace for tours and activities. It has a RESTful interface and uses the JSON media format. Access is secured via SSL and an API access token.

Connecting to the API

The base URL for accessing version 1 of the API is: Configuration information, such as compatibility with the current client, can be accessed at:

Two headers are required to be passed with each request:

Headers Description
X-ACCESS-TOKEN An API access token used for authentication, provided by GetYourGuide.
Accept The media type which are acceptable for the response. Set to application/json

Because the API is stateless, each API GET request should at least include the following two query parameters:

Parameters Description
cnt_language Definition of the content language as a two letter language code (ISO 639-1 specification). Available are: da, de, en, es, fr, it, nl, no, pl, pt, fi, sv, ru, ja
currency Definition of the currency used for pricing as a three letter currency code (ISO 4217 specification). Available are: AED, ARS, AUD, BGN, CAD, CHF, CLP, CNY, COP, CZK, DKK, EGP, EUR, GBP, HKD, HRK, HUF, IDR, ILS, INR, JPY, KRW, MAD, MXN, MYR, NOK, NZD, PHP, PLN, RON, RUB, SEK, SGD, THB, TRY, UAH, USD, UYU, VND, ZAR

Using curl, a valid GET request is:

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-ACCESS-TOKEN: [YOUR TOKEN]" -X GET ""

Openapi generater / Specs


Generated clients ...

Test System

Please use the following test system during development:

  • Test data can be sent to the system (e.g. bookings). The system database gets reset periodically.
  • Emails are blocked from being sent in the testing environment.

Request Limitation

The default rate limit is 120 calls per minute. Once the rate limit is reached, all subsequent calls will be blocked for 5 minutes. GetYourGuide also monitors API traffic and warns about excessive usage in relation to bookings being made. We encourage to access the API in real-time; please do not scrape the API in an attempt to cache its output.

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