.NET Flavor
.NET Version
SDK Version
Steps to Reproduce
using Sentry;
using var _ = SentrySdk.Init(o =>
o.Dsn = "...";
o.Debug = true;
o.TracesSampleRate = 1.0;
o.IsGlobalModeEnabled = true;
o.AutoSessionTracking = true;
o.Environment = "development";
var tran = SentrySdk.StartTransaction("asd", "asd.asd");
// Forgot about this. Not a great API
SentrySdk.ConfigureScope(s => s.Transaction = tran);
throw new Exception("Can't find summary line. Page changed?");
catch (Exception e)
// Exception is only captured and tied to the transaction if I explicitly capture it here
throw; // When I rethrow, the session ends as success (no session update it sent, only the initial healthy one)
If I remove the using var _ =
, so the SDK doesn't dispose anymore and everything works as expected
Expected Result
If a process crashes, the final session update envelope should have status=crashed.
If a transaction was bound to the scope, the status of that transaction should be some type of error. Since an exception bubbled out and crashed the process.
- Session marked as crashed (aka:
) - The event that crashed the app captured. The error event also links to transaction. That's the default behavior, you can see that by capturing an event (e.g: CaptureMessage) while a transaction is bound to the scope.
- The transaction status is InternalError (or other failure status that makes more sense). And links to the error
Actual Result
Only a transaction was captured and its status was unknown
. If no Status is set to the transaction, unknown
is what the server infers.
Additional problem (but unrelated to the session) the installationid is getting installed on (/Users/bruno/.local/share/Sentry/4F084E9C0D55B08D0AAF5DD0615DF4A719A28E29).
. This seems to me it'll be shared with any other CLI executed via dotnet
. I believe a child directory should be created named after the main assembly. Or any other solution that makes these ids different "per app".
Debug: Logging enabled with ConsoleDiagnosticLogger and min level: Debug
Debug: Initializing Hub for Dsn: '..'.
Debug: Using 'GzipBufferedRequestBodyHandler' body compression strategy with level Optimal.
Debug: Starting BackgroundWorker.
Debug: Registering integration: 'AutoSessionTrackingIntegration'.
Debug: Attempting to recover persisted session from file.
Debug: Persistence directory is not set, returning.
Debug: BackgroundWorker Started.
Debug: Created directory for installation ID file (/Users/bruno/.local/share/Sentry/4F084E9C0D55B08D0AAF5DD0615DF4A719A28E29).
Debug: Resolved installation ID '7053cbc5-a5eb-481c-8a88-dc5df456df92'.
Info: Started new session (SID: b7cc11af66a742df8e3019e40eed5bf7; DID: 7053cbc5-a5eb-481c-8a88-dc5df456df92).
Debug: Persisting session (SID: 'b7cc11af66a742df8e3019e40eed5bf7') to a file.
Debug: Persistence directory is not set, returning.
Debug: Enqueuing envelope
Info: Envelope queued up: ''
Debug: Registering integration: 'AppDomainUnhandledExceptionIntegration'.
Debug: Registering integration: 'AppDomainProcessExitIntegration'.
Debug: Registering integration: 'TaskUnobservedTaskExceptionIntegration'.
Debug: Registering integration: 'SentryDiagnosticListenerIntegration'.
Debug: Configuring the scope.
Debug: Envelope handed off to transport. #1 in queue.
Debug: Envelope '' sent successfully. Payload: {"sdk":{"name":"sentry.dotnet","version":"3.20.1"},"sent_at":"2022-08-07T17:42:39.187397+00:00"} {"type":"session","length":297} {"sid":"b7cc11af66a742df8e3019e40eed5bf7","did":"7053cbc5-a5eb-481c-8a88-dc5df456df92","init":true,"started":"2022-08-07T13:42:38.846525-04:00","timestamp":"2022-08-07T17:42:38.847454+00:00","seq":0,"duration":0,"errors":0,"attrs":{"release":"asd@1.0.0","environment":"development"}}
Debug: De-queueing event
Debug: Configuring the scope.
Debug: Enqueuing envelope 22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56
Info: Envelope queued up: '22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56'
Info: Disposing the Hub.
Debug: Tracking depth: 1.
Debug: Envelope 22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56 handed off to transport. #1 in queue.
Debug: Envelope '22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56' sent successfully. Payload: {"sdk":{"name":"sentry.dotnet","version":"3.20.1"},"event_id":"22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56","sent_at":"2022-08-07T17:42:39.34872+00:00"} {"type":"transaction","length":988} {"type":"transaction","event_id":"22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56","platform":"csharp","release":"asd@1.0.0","transaction":"crawl","start_timestamp":"2022-08-07T17:42:38.85351+00:00","timestamp":"2022-08-07T17:42:39.2768096+00:00","request":{},"contexts":{"trace":{"type":"trace","span_id":"e2f261a76bed46e6","trace_id":"2c8a687cbe7a4d538eef188a2ea2143b","op":"asd","status":"unknown_error"},"runtime":{"type":"runtime","name":".NET","version":"6.0.6","raw_description":".NET 6.0.6","identifier":"osx.12-x64"},"device":{"type":"device","boot_time":"2022-08-06T09:07:50.5696732+00:00"},"app":{"type":"app","app_start_time":"2022-08-07T17:42:38.381471+00:00"},"os":{"type":"os","raw_description":"Darwin 21.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.5.0: Tue Apr 26 21:08:22 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.121.3~4/RELEASE_X86_64"}},"user":{},"environment":"development","sdk":{"packages":[{"name":"nuget:sentry.dotnet","version":"3.20.1"}],"name":"sentry.dotnet","version":"3.20.1"}}
Debug: De-queueing event 22a5b79cf4cf4076b55ef16fa7cd8f56
Debug: Signaling flush completed.
Debug: Successfully flushed all events up to call to FlushAsync.
Info: AppDomain process exited: Disposing SDK.
Info: Disposing the Hub.