Example project for the blog series at http://blog-it.hypoport.de/.
For details about the use cases demonstrated in this project, please read the blog series first. You'll notice that this is a work in progress, with dedicated branches for each article. The master branch contains the sources for the most recent article.
The initial article (part1.md) gives a thorough overview over the complete pipeline, while each of the following build steps will be described in its own article:
- build, publish (part2.md)
- e2e test (part3.md)
- contract test (part4.md)
- build image
- deploy on dev
- deploy on prod
Please use the comment feature on our articles for questions and feedback or contact us at Twitter @gesellix. Thanks!
... would you like to improve projects like this one? Well, you can use the GitHub issue tracker or create a pull request. If you'd like to improve more than our build scripts: we're hiring :)