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Gaussian Markov Random Fields (GMRFs) and Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA)


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Gaussian Markov Random Fields (GMRFs) and Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA)


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sudo apt install libsuitesparse-dev


The primary goal of this library is the method Inla.log_marginal_posterior, which estimates the parameters of a Gaussian Markov Random Field (GMRF) from observed data. The user supplies

  1. A parameterized GMRF, i.e. for parameters $\theta$, a mean vector $\mu(\theta)$ and a sparse precision matrix $Q(\theta)$. This is specified as an instance of gmrf.Model. An unobserved state $x$ is assumed to be sampled from the multivariate normal with mean $\mu$ and covariance $Q^{-1}$.
  2. A prior on parameters, $p(\theta)$.
  3. A measurement vector $y$.
  4. A measurment model: $p(y_i|x_i) = p(y_i|x_i, \theta)$. Our implementation assumes this distribution is the same for all $i$, and that it is independent of $\theta$, but all that's technically needed is that $y_i$ is independent of $x_j$ for $j\neq i$.

Given these inputs, we compute an estimate of the marginal posterior $p(\theta| y)$, up to a normalization constant independent of $\theta$.

Our implementation is in JAX, so the marginal posterior can be automatically differentiated with respect to $\theta$, so gradient-based sampling methods (like HMC) to sample from $p(\theta| y)$.

How it works

The basic strategy is to use the following formula, which holds for any value of $x$:

$$ p(\theta|y) = \frac{p(y|x, \theta) p(x|\theta) p(\theta)}{p(x|y, \theta)} \times \frac{1}{p(y)} $$

The GMRF specifies $p(x|\theta)$, the prior $p(\theta)$ is supplied, the measurement model gives us $p(y|x,\theta)$, and the normalizing constant $p(y)$ is ignored since $y$ is fixed.

This just leaves $p(x| y, \theta)$, which we estimate with Laplace's method. Denoting $f(x) = \log(p(y|x))$, we have the following approximation around any given $\hat x$:

$$\begin{align} \log(p(x|y, \theta)) &= \log( p(y|x, \theta)) + \log(p(x|\theta)) + \text{const} \\ &= f(x) -\frac 12 (x-\mu)^T Q(x-\mu) + \frac 12\log\det(Q) + \text{const} \\ &\approx f(\hat x) + (x-\hat x)f'(\hat x) + \frac 12 (x-\hat x)^2 f''(\hat x) -\frac 12 (x-\mu)^T Q(x-\mu) + \frac 12\log\det(Q) + \text{const} \\ &= -\frac 12 x^T(-f''(\hat x) + Q)x + x^T(Q\mu + f'(\hat x) - \hat xf''(\hat x)) + \frac 12\log\det(Q) + \text{const} \end{align}$$

The constant is then be determined by using the fact that this must be a probability distribution in $x$ (i.e. use the value of the constant from the log probability function of the gaussian with the same quadratic and linear terms).

What value of $\hat x$ should we choose? We think the Laplace approximation above is best when $\hat x$ is chosen to maximize $p(\hat x|y, \theta)$. We can find this $\hat x$ with Newton's method, which amounts to iteratively solving for the maximum in the very same quadratic approximation. That is, we set $\hat x_0 = \mu$ and iteratively solve for $\hat x_{i+1}$ in

$$ (Q - f''(\hat x_i))\hat x_{i+1} = Q\mu + f'(\hat x_i) - \hat x_i f''(\hat x_i) $$

until stabilization.

Corresponding code, and a critical caveat

This library provides the low-level methods required to run the computation above. gmrf.Model provides a class for parameterizing a GMRF (i.e. a multivariate gaussian with sparse precision matrix). The sparse precision matrices are implemented with the class sparse.SPDMatrix, which supports adding to the diagonal (for constructing $Q - f''(\hat x)$ ), multilpication by a vector (for computing $Q\mu$), solving linear systems (for doing a step of Newton's algorithm), and computing $\log\det Q$.

Linear solves and log determinant calculations are powered by sparse Cholesky factorization (sparse.sparse_cholesky_fn) and sparse triangular solves (sparse.tril_solver, sparse.triu_solver). These methods implement the naive algorithm for Cholesky factorization or triangular solves, taking advantage of sparsity, but looping over non-zero entries. This library would be substantially improved if this loop could be implemented with a jax.lax.scan. The fundamental challenge is that jax.lax.scan requires each operation in the loop operate on arrays of the same shape. Since some of the rows of the Cholesky triangle typically have a large number of non-zero entries, the straight-forward jax.lax.scan approach would give up the benefits of sparsity.


Gaussian Markov Random Fields (GMRFs) and Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation (INLA)







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