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x86 Instruction Cycle

The x86 instruction cycle consists of several sub-operations, each taking one clock cycle:

  • Fetch: Get the next instruction into the Instruction Register (IR).
  • Decode: Determine the meaning of the instruction.
  • Fetch operands: Move data from memory to the datapath register.
  • Execute: Move data through the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU).
  • Store results: Write data from the register to memory.

Addressing Modes

  • Immediate: Data is provided directly.
  • Register-direct: Data is accessed using a register address.
  • Register: Data is accessed using a register address that points to a memory address.
  • Direct: Data is accessed using a memory address directly.
  • Indirect: Data is accessed using an address that points to another address which then points to the data.

Types of Registers

  • General Purpose:
    • R8 - R15
    • AX (Accumulator)
    • BX (base)
    • CX (count)
    • DX (destination)
  • Special Purpose:
    • IP
    • IR
    • BP (base pointer)
    • SP
    • SI (source index)
    • DI (destination index)
; Start code from this code memory
Org 00H

MOV R0, #10H;
MOV R0, #10;

; Memories
A - Accumulator
R0-7 - Registers
P1 - Port 1

8051 Instruction Cycle

  • 1 machine cycle / instruction cycle = 12 oscillations
  • Instructions take varying machine cycles.
MOV - 1 machine cycle
DEC - 1
ADD - 1
SUBB - 1
MUL - 4
DIV - 17 (gpt), 4 (google)

ANL - 1
ORL - 1
XRL - 1

CPL - 1
CLR - 1
SETB - 1
INC - 1

; Jumps and calls take 2 cycles
DJNZ - 2
LJMP - 2
RET - 2

NOP - 1


Total memory: 128 bytes

0x00 - 0x07 -> Bank 0 R0-R7
0x07 - 0x0F -> Bank 1 R0-R7 (Stack)
0x10 - 0x17 -> Bank 2 R0-R7
0x17 - 0x1F -> Bank 3 R0-R7

0x20 - 0x2F -> Bit Addressable (called using 00 - 7F)
0x30 - 0x7F -> Direct and Indirect Addressing

0x80 - 0xFF -> SFR


  • ORG
  • EQU
  • DB
  • END


MOV P1, #COUNT; ; 05 shown on P1
MOV P1, COUNT; ; content in 05 at data memory shown on P1


VAR: DB 05H;
MOV P1, #VAR; ; location in code memory where 05H is stored
MOV P1, VAR; ; 05 shown on P1


Used for bit-addressable I/O and RAM Locations.

LED BIT P1.7 ; assigns LED as a variable that stores the bit on P1.7

General Purpose Registers

  • R0 - R7
  • R0 and R1 can hold the address of an operand located in RAM.

Special Function Registers

Accumulator (A or ACC)

  • 8-bit register.
  • Used for arithmetic, logical, and data transfer operations.

B (Register B)

  • 8-bit register.
  • Used in multiplication and division operations.
ADD A, #3 ; result is always stored in A
CLR C ; clear out carry before subtraction
SUBB A, #3; carry is put in C
MUL AB ; 16-bit result -> higher bits stored in B, lower in A
DIV AB ; B=10H, A=95H => 95H / 10H = 09 (q) and 05 (r) => B=05, A=09
ANL ; performs AND operation

PSW (Flag Register)

  • 8-bit register.
MOV C, P1.4; ; Move P1.4 to Carry
MOV P2.7, C; ; Move Carry to P2.7
JB PSW.2, TARGET ; Jump to target if there is an overflow

Data Pointer (DPTR – DPL and DPH)

  • 16-bit register (DPTR) or two 8-bit registers (DPL and DPH).
MOV DPTR, #8000H ; Load table address
MOVC A, @A+DPTR ; Move code memory to A


MOV R3, #10
CPL A ; 1's complement
ADD A, #1 ; 2's complement

ANL ; and
ORL ; or
XRL ; xor



Jump Instructions

  • JZ: Jump if zero
  • JNZ: Jump if not zero
  • DJNZ: Decrement and jump
  • CJNE: Jump if not equal, dest >= src then CY=0, dest < src then CY=1
  • JC: Jump if carry (CY) = 1
  • JB: Jump if bit = 1
  • JNB: Jump if bit = 0
  • JBC: Jump if bit=1 and then clear bit
  • SJMP: 128 Bytes
  • AJMP: 2KB (11-bit address)
  • LJMP: 64KB (16-bit address)
JB P1.0, LOOP ; Jump to LOOP if P1.0 = 1
JNB P1.0, LOOP ; Jump to LOOP if P1.0 = 0
JBC P1.0, LOOP ; Jump to LOOP if P1.0 = 1 then CLR P1.0
JNC LOOP ; Jump to loop if CY=0
; Adding 11111 + 1
; Result: 100000

A: 255
R: 0


A: 0
R: 1

MOV r0, #10;
	; Instructions here that will run for 10 times
	DJNZ r0, myloop

Call Instructions

  • CALL: Calls from anywhere in the memory
  • ACALL (Absolute CALL): 2-byte instruction, target address within 2KB (11-bit address).
  • LCALL (Long CALL): 3-byte instruction, target address within 64KB (16-bit address).
	CALL subrout1
	LCALL sub_delay

ALL subrout2
	MOV P1, #55H
	ORG 300H
	; This produces a delay

Jump and Call Distances

Use Cases

  • MOV DPTR, A: Gives an error as operands are not of equal size.
  • MOV R0, R1: Data cannot be moved between registers.
  • MOV 0F0H, R0: SFR can be accessed by memory, thus equivalent to MOV B, R0.
  • MOV A, @R0: Move contents of RAM whose address is held by R0.
  • MAIN: SJMP $: Create an infinite loop as $ represents the current address.
  • MOV P1.0, P2.5: Gives an error.

Valid Operations

  • JB P1.5, LOOP
  • MOV P1, P2

Invalid Operations

  • MOV R1, R2