This file contains information for the creation of custom measures in MSHGQM Gamma. You can create your own JSON file in the following general format:
<custom measure definition>
<custom measure definition>
What goes inside the <custom measure definition> are attribute/value pairs. A few are required, the rest are optional. Note that Configuration, MeasureId and MeasureGroup are all required and should all have the same value. Standard JSON format applies. Don't forget to escape double quotes and other characters inside Value's and mind your end of line commas. All variables have two underscores in front of and after the variable text.
"Attribute": "Value",
"Last Attribute": "Value"
Attribute | Required | Value | Variables |
Configuration | Yes | Defines the group for the measure in Calculations pane | None |
MeasureId | Yes | Defines the group for the measure in Calculations pane | None |
MeasureGroup | Yes | Defines the group for the measure in Calculations pane | None |
DisplayName | Yes | Name displayed in Calculations pane | None |
DAXCode | Yes | Code that appears in Source pane | None |
Format | No | Custom format string to use when creating measure | None |
Notes | No | Notes that appear in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink1 | No | URL for first hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink1Text | No | Text displayed for first hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink2 | No | URL for second hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink2Text | No | Text displayed for second hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink3 | No | URL for third hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink3Text | No | Text displayed for third hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink4 | No | URL for fourth hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink4Text | No | Text displayed for fourth hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink5 | No | URL for fifth hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
HyperLink5Text | No | Text displayed for fifth hyperlink in Notes pane | None |
AggregationLabel | No | Label for first corresponding aggregation dropdown. There are 11 of these AggregationLabel, Aggregation1Label - Aggregation10Label | None |
Aggregation | No | Displays aggregation dropdown box. Any value will make the dropdown box appear as well as the correponding label which is the default label unless the corresponding label attribute is configured (AggregationLabel) There are 11 of these, Aggregation, Aggregation1 - Aggregation10. __AGGREGATION__ is replaced with the corresponding DAX aggregation function (SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, MIN, etc.) while __XAGGREGATION__ is replaced with the corresponding DAX "X" aggregator (SUMX, AVERAGEX, MAXX, MINX, etc.) | __AGGREGATION__, __XAGGREGATION__ (__AGGREGATION1__-__AGGREGATION10__ ), (__XAGGREGATION1__-__XAGGREGATION10__) |
AggregationType | No | If not present or configured to anything other than "MinMax" then the corresponding dropdown box will display all possible aggregations, otherwise if set to MinMax displays only Minimum and Maximum with default of Minimum | None |
ColumnLabel | No | Sets the label for the corresponding column chooser. There are 11 of these ColumnLabel, Column1Label - Column10Label | None |
Column | No | Displays the column chooser. Value appears as default in textbox. There are 11 of these, Column, Column1 - Column10. Three variables are available for each. __COLUMN__ is replaced by the full 'Table'[Column] text. __TABLENAME__ is only the table name Table (no single quotes) and __COLUMNNAME__ is only the column name Column (no square brackets) | __COLUMN__ __TABLENAME__ __COLUMNNAME__ (__COLUMN1__-__COLUMN10__ ), (__TABLE1NAME__-__TABLE10NAME__), (__COLUMN1NAME__-__COLUMN10NAME__) |
ParameterLabel | No | Sets the label for the corresponding parameter texbox. There are 11 of these, ParameterLabel, Parameter1Label - Parameter10Label | None |
Parameter | No | Displays an editable textbox. The value specified is the default text in the texbox. There are 11 of these, Parameter, Parameter1 - Parameter10 | __PARAM__ (__PARAM1__ - __PARAM10__) |
AreaFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaFrom dropdown box | None |
AreaFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Area units | __AREAFROM__ __AREACONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
AreaToLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaTo dropdown box | None |
AreaTo | No | Displays dropdown with Area units | __AREATO__ __AREACONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
DensityFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the DensityFrom dropdown box | None |
DensityFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Density unitsv__DENSITYFROM__ __DENSITYCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
DensityToLabel | No | Sets the label for the DensityTo dropdown box | None |
DensityTo | No | Displays dropdown with Density units | __DENSITYTO__ __DENSITYCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
DistanceFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the DistanceFrom dropdown box | None |
DistanceFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Distance units | __DISTANCEFROM__ __DISTANCECONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
DistanceToLabel | No | Sets the label for the DistanceTo dropdown box | None |
DistanceTo | No | Displays dropdown with Distance units | __DISTANCETO__ __DISTANCECONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
MassFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the MassFrom dropdown box | None |
MassFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Mass units | __MASSFROM__ __MASSCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
MassToLabel | No | Sets the label for the MassTo dropdown box | None |
MassTo | No | Displays dropdown with Mass units | __MASSTO__ __MASSCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
TempFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the TempFrom dropdown box | None |
TempFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Temp units | __TEMPFROM__ __TEMPCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
TempToLabel | No | Sets the label for the TempTo dropdown box | None |
TempTo | No | Displays dropdown with Temp units | __TEMPTO__ __TEMPCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
VelocityFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the VelocityFrom dropdown box | None |
VelocityFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Velocity units | __VELOCITYFROM__ __VELOCITYCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
VelocityToLabel | No | Sets the label for the VelocityTo dropdown box | None |
VelocityTo | No | Displays dropdown with Velocity units | __VELOCITYTO__ __VELOCITYCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
VolumeFromLabel | No | Sets the label for the VolumeFrom dropdown box | None |
VolumeFrom | No | Displays dropdown with Volume units | __VOLUMETO__ __VOLUMECONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
VolumeToLabel | No | Sets the label for the VolumeTo dropdown box | None |
VolumeTo | No | Displays dropdown with Volume units | __VOLUMETO__ __VOLUMECONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
DurationLabel | No | Sets the label for the Duration dropdown box | None |
Duration | No | Displays dropdown with Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds. __DURATION__ is replaced with the chosen value and __DURATIONCONVERSIONFACTOR__ is replaced with a conversion to seconds. | __DURATION__ __DURATIONCONVERSIONFACTOR__ |
DistanceUnitsLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaFrom dropdown box | None |
DistanceUnits | No | Displays dropdown with miles and kilometers. __DISTANCEUNITS__ is replaced with the chosen value and __DISTANCEUNITSGLOBALRADIUS__ is replaced with the radius of the Earth in miles or km. | __DISTANCEUNITS__ __DISTANCEUNITSGLOBALRADIUS__ |
WeekDayReturnLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaFrom dropdown box | None |
WeekDayReturn | No | Displays dropdown with numbers 1, 2, 3, 11-17. Variable is replaced with chosen value. | __WEEKDAYRETURN__ |
WeekDayStartLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaFrom dropdown box | None |
WeekDayStart | No | Displays dropdown with day names. Variable is replaced with chosen value. | __WEEKDAYSTART__ |
WeekNumReturnLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaFrom dropdown box | None |
WeekNumReturn | No | Displays dropdown with numbers 1, 2, 11-17 and 21. Variable is replaced with chosen value. | __WEEKNUMRETURN__ |
CaseSensitivityLabel | No | Sets the label for the AreaFrom dropdown box | None |
CaseSensitivity | No | Displays dropdown with Case Sensitive and Case Insensitive __CASESENSITIVITY__ is replaced by the chosen value text __CASESENSITIVITYFUNCTION__ is replaced by either FIND or SEARCH | __CASESENSITIVITY__ __CASESENSITIVITYFUNCTION__ |
Custom Demo Measure
The following custom measure demonstrates all possible attribute/value pairs and the use of all variables.
"Configuration": "Custom",
"MeasureId": "Custom",
"MeasureGroup": "Custom",
"DisplayName": "Custom Measure Demo",
"Format": "##:00:#0",
"AggregationLabel": "Aggregation Label",
"Aggregation": "Visible",
"AggregationType": "MinMax",
"ColumnLabel": "Column Label",
"Column": "Choose Column",
"ParameterLabel": "Parameter Label",
"Parameter": "Parameter Default",
"Aggregation1Label": "Aggregation1 Label",
"Aggregation1": "Visible",
"Aggregation1Type": "All",
"Column1Label": "Column1 Label",
"Column1": "Choose Column1",
"Parameter1Label": "Parameter1 Label",
"Parameter1": "Parameter1 Default",
"Aggregation2Label": "Aggregation2 Label",
"Aggregation2": "Visible",
"Aggregation2Type": "MinMax",
"Column2Label": "Column2 Label",
"Column2": "Choose Column2",
"Parameter2Label": "Parameter2 Label",
"Parameter2": "Parameter2 Default",
"Aggregation3Label": "Aggregation3 Label",
"Aggregation3": "Visible",
"Aggregation3Type": "All",
"Column3Label": "Column3 Label",
"Column3": "Choose Column3",
"Parameter3Label": "Parameter3 Label",
"Parameter3": "Parameter3 Default",
"Aggregation4Label": "Aggregation4 Label",
"Aggregation4": "Visible",
"Aggregation4Type": "MinMax",
"ColumnLabel4": "Column4 Label",
"Column4": "Choose Column4",
"Parameter4Label": "Parameter4 Label",
"Parameter4": "Parameter4 Default",
"Aggregation5Label": "Aggregation5 Label",
"Aggregation5": "Visible",
"Aggregation5Type": "All",
"Column5Label": "Column5 Label",
"Column5": "Choose Column5",
"Parameter5Label": "Parameter5 Label",
"Parameter5": "Parameter5 Default",
"Aggregation6Label": "Aggregation6 Label",
"Aggregation6": "Visible",
"Aggregation6Type": "MinMax",
"Column6Label": "Column6 Label",
"Column6": "Choose Column6",
"Parameter6Label": "Parameter6 Label",
"Parameter6": "Parameter6 Default",
"Aggregation7Label": "Aggregation7 Label",
"Aggregation7": "Visible",
"Aggregation7Type": "All",
"ColumnLabel7": "Column7 Label",
"Column7": "Choose Column7",
"Parameter7Label": "Parameter7 Label",
"Parameter7": "Parameter7 Default",
"Aggregation8Label": "Aggregation8 Label",
"Aggregation8": "Visible",
"Aggregation8Type": "MinMax",
"Column8Label": "Column8 Label",
"Column8": "Choose Column8",
"Parameter8Label": "Parameter8 Label",
"Parameter8": "Parameter8 Default",
"Aggregation9Label": "Aggregation9 Label",
"Aggregation9": "Visible",
"Aggregation9Type": "All",
"Column9Label": "Column9 Label",
"Column9": "Choose Column9",
"Parameter9Label": "Parameter9 Label",
"Parameter9": "Parameter9 Default",
"Aggregation10Label": "Aggregation10 Label",
"Aggregation10": "Visible",
"Aggregation10Type": "MinMax",
"Column10Label": "Column10 Label",
"Column10": "Choose Column10",
"Parameter10Label": "Parameter10 Label",
"Parameter10": "Parameter10 Default",
"AreaFromLabel": "Area From Label",
"AreaFrom": "Visible",
"AreaToLabel": "Area To Label",
"AreaTo": "Visible",
"DensityFromLabel": "Density From Label",
"DensityFrom": "Visible",
"DensityToLabel": "Density To Label",
"DensityTo": "Visible",
"DistanceFromLabel": "Distance From Label",
"DistanceFrom": "Visible",
"DistanceToLabel": "Distance To Label",
"DistanceTo": "Visible",
"MassFromLabel": "Mass From Label",
"MassFrom": "Visible",
"MassToLabel": "Mass To Label",
"MassTo": "Visible",
"TempFromLabel": "Temp From Label",
"TempFrom": "Visible",
"TempToLabel": "Temp To Label",
"TempTo": "Visible",
"VelocityFromLabel": "Velocity From Label",
"VelocityFrom": "Visible",
"VelocityToLabel": "Velocity To Label",
"VelocityTo": "Visible",
"VolumeFromLabel": "Volume From Label",
"VolumeFrom": "Visible",
"VolumeToLabel": "Distance To Label",
"VolumeTo": "Visible",
"DurationLabel": "Duration Label",
"Duration": "Visible",
"DistanceUnitsLabel": "Distance Units Label",
"DistanceUnits": "Visible",
"WeekDayReturnLabel": "Weekday Return Label",
"WeekDayReturn": "Visible",
"WeekDayStartLabel": "Weekday Start Label",
"WeekDayStart": "Visible",
"WeekNumReturnLabel": "Weeknum Return Label",
"WeekNumReturn": "Visible",
"CaseSensitivityLabel": "Case Sensitivity Label",
"CaseSensitivity": "Visible",
"DAXCode": "
VAR __Value1 = __AGGREGATION1__(__COLUMN1__)
VAR __Value2 = __AGGREGATION2__(__COLUMN2__)
VAR __Value3 = __AGGREGATION3__(__COLUMN3__)
VAR __Value4 = __AGGREGATION4__(__COLUMN4__)
VAR __Value5 = __AGGREGATION5__(__COLUMN5__)
VAR __Value6 = __AGGREGATION6__(__COLUMN6__)
VAR __Value7 = __AGGREGATION7__(__COLUMN7__)
VAR __Value8 = __AGGREGATION8__(__COLUMN8__)
VAR __Value9 = __AGGREGATION9__(__COLUMN9__)
VAR __Value10 = __AGGREGATION10__(__COLUMN10__)
VAR __Value10X = __XAGGREGATION10__('__TABLE10NAME__','__COLUMN10NAME__')
VAR __Parameter = __PARAM__
VAR __Parameter1 = \"__PARAM1__\"
VAR __Parameter2 = __PARAM2__
VAR __Parameter3 = \"__PARAM3__\"
VAR __Parameter4 = __PARAM4__
VAR __Parameter5 = \"__PARAM5__\"
VAR __Parameter6 = __PARAM6__
VAR __Parameter7 = \"__PARAM7__\"
VAR __Parameter8 = __PARAM8__
VAR __Parameter9 = \"__PARAM9__\"
VAR __Parameter9 = __PARAM10__
VAR __AreaFrom = \"__AREAFROM__\"
VAR __AreaTo = \"__AREATO__\"
VAR __AreaConversionFactor = __AREACONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __DensityFrom = \"__DENSITYFROM__\"
VAR __DensityTo = \"__DENSITYTO__\"
VAR __DensityConversionFactor = __DENSITYCONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __DistanceFrom = \"__DISTANCEFROM__\"
VAR __DistanceTo = \"__DISTANCETO__\"
VAR __DistanceConversionFactor = __DISTANCECONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __MassFrom = \"__MASSFROM__\"
VAR __MassTo = \"__MASSTO__\"
VAR __MassConversionFactor = __MASSCONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __TempFrom = \"__TEMPFROM__\"
VAR __TempTo = \"__TEMPTO__\"
VAR __TempConversionFactor = __TEMPCONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __VelocityFrom = \"__VELOCITYFROM__\"
VAR __VelocityTo = \"__VELOCITYTO__\"
VAR __VelocityConversionFactor = __VELOCITYCONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __VolumeFrom = \"__VOLUMEFROM__\"
VAR __VolumeTo = \"__VOLUMETO__\"
VAR __VolumeConversionFactor = __VOLUMECONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __Duration = \"__DURATION__\"
VAR __DurationConversionFactor = __DURATIONCONVERSIONFACTOR__
VAR __DistanceUnits = \"__DISTANCEUNITS__\"
VAR __WeekDayReturn = __WEEKDAYRETURN__
VAR __WeekDayStart = \"__WEEKDAYSTART__\"
VAR __WeekNumReturn = __WEEKNUMRETURN__
VAR __CaseSensitivity = \"__CASESENSITIVITY__\"
VAR __CaseSensitivityFunction = \"__CASESENSITIVITYFUNCTION__\"
"Notes": "Use this measure as a demo and guide when creating custom measures.",
"Hyperlink1": "",
"Hyperlink1Text": "Microsoft Hates Greg's Quick Measures",
"Hyperlink2": "",
"Hyperlink2Text": "MSHGQM GitHub",
"Hyperlink3": "",
"Hyperlink3Text": "MSHGQM YouTube",
"Hyperlink4": "",
"Hyperlink4Text": "DAX Cookbook",
"Hyperlink5": "",
"Hyperlink5Text": "Microsoft Power BI Cookbook"